Saturday, 12 January 2019

are they really saved?

are they really saved?

Nobody wants to feel stuck in one place for a very long time.
Nobody wants to feel used.
Nobody wants to feel taken advantage of.
We want to be loved.
We want to be heard.
We want to be happy.
We want to be cherished.
We want to be appreciated.
We want to be adored.
We want to be understood.
We want to be satisfied.
We want to be open to things that bring us joy.
We want to learn from our mistakes.
We want to experience new and exciting things.
Fish can feel so stuck in the aquarium.
They want to get out of this place.
Somebody might put them in a bag with water, trying and hoping to save them.
And then throw the bag in the ocean.
Are the fish really saved?
Aren't they still feeling or just simply stuck in that bag, in this weird vacuum?
Can they just swim in the ocean as the nature would like it?
Can they just feel wild and free and happy again?
How can we help them out?
Can we help them?
Are we willing to help them?
The choice is in our hands!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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