Sunday, 20 January 2019

What I miss about you...

What I miss about you...

I miss you, first and foremost.
Everything that makes you you and things connected to you and make you unique, special and stand out.
I miss your personality, you as a person.
I miss your body, your nose, lips, your mouth and ears.
The sexy look that only you can give to me.
The caring and kind eyes.
The smile.
The feeling I get when you look at me.
Your hands, fingers, tongue.
The warm kisses and hugs, snuggles and cuddles.
I miss your mind, the ideas you share with me.
I miss your intelligence, smart thinking.
Your curiosity.
Your sense of humor, your sense of direction, your sense of neatness and tidiness.
I miss when you are stubborn about things that are important to you, when you go after what you want.
I miss your patience with me.
I miss even more chats with you.
I miss when you take time to explain things to me.
I miss your love for me.
And I miss the physical contact with you (in every sense and in every way!).

There are more things there... I just simply MISS YOU.
How now I know the real meaning behind those words!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 19 January 2019

how to get better?!

how to get better?!

How to become a better person?
How to still stay true to yourself?
How to keep a sane mind?
How to enjoy your life to the fullest?
How not to think too much?
How not to take yourself seriously?
How to talk and be heard?
How to talk and be understood?
How to talk and be respected?
How to talk and be seen?
How to be yourself at all times?
How to love even deeper?
How to love even more?
How to be more passionate?
How to be more creative?
How to be more interested?
How to be more curious?
How to be more positive?
How to be more of a happy little self?
How to try over and over again?
How to never give up?
How to remain calm at all times?
How to make your life a memorable one?
How to make your life an inspiration to others?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 12 January 2019

are they really saved?

are they really saved?

Nobody wants to feel stuck in one place for a very long time.
Nobody wants to feel used.
Nobody wants to feel taken advantage of.
We want to be loved.
We want to be heard.
We want to be happy.
We want to be cherished.
We want to be appreciated.
We want to be adored.
We want to be understood.
We want to be satisfied.
We want to be open to things that bring us joy.
We want to learn from our mistakes.
We want to experience new and exciting things.
Fish can feel so stuck in the aquarium.
They want to get out of this place.
Somebody might put them in a bag with water, trying and hoping to save them.
And then throw the bag in the ocean.
Are the fish really saved?
Aren't they still feeling or just simply stuck in that bag, in this weird vacuum?
Can they just swim in the ocean as the nature would like it?
Can they just feel wild and free and happy again?
How can we help them out?
Can we help them?
Are we willing to help them?
The choice is in our hands!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



How can we judge something that we have never tried before?
Can we grow even more if and when doing something that we have never done before?
Can we face our fears?
Can we look our fears in the eye?
Can we look at the benefits, and only the benefits of this all?
Can we see the whole picture before stating the obvious?
Can we go ahead and do it for the greatest good?
Can we make a compromise?
Can we make a deal?
Can we suggest an easier way?
How can we become a better version of ourselves if we stay the same for always, everytime?
How can we become a better version of ourselves if we still stay in the comfort zone and never step outside of it?
Can we surprise ourselves each and every day with a new goal?
Can we be or become even more committed enough for the task at hand?
Can we make someone happy just become it is the right thing to do?
Can we be finally satisfied with ourselves?
And yet, still be able to forgive ourselves?
And even still, be able not to take ourselves way too seriously?
At least, we can always try.
We can always try our best, at least!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 6 January 2019

reaching the milestone.

reaching the milestone.

Reaching the milestone you have set yourself up for.
Being patient along the way.
Learn while you are still making mistakes.
Your milestone in your relationship.
Your milestone in your health part.
Your milestone on your fun part.
Being disciplined.
Having a discipline.
Having a strong will.
Having a great attitude.
Be humble.
Be loving.
Be caring.
Be kind.
Be naughty sometimes too!
Be open.
Be honest.
Be open-minded.
Be teachable.
Having a time frame for reaching your goals and dreams and ambitions and aspirations.
Being here and now.
Dream big and believe!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 5 January 2019

The best kind of love is... (part #2)

The best kind of love is... (part #2)

the one that never gives up on you.
Respects you.
Understands you.
Is tolerant.
Is patient.
Is your soulmate.
Is understanding.
Is listening to you.
Can read between the lines.
Listens to your needs, wishes, dreams, hopes, ambitions, goals, wants, aspirations.
Can make you laugh out loud.
Is curious about you.
Is interested in you.
Can bring a smile on your face when needed to.
Is interested in your hobbies.
Can talk with their mouths closed and you still can read from their eyes.
Is proactive.
Feels comfortable with you.
Feels okay being silent with you.
Feels safe with you in the car, on a slippery side (of life),...
Gets your jokes.
And gets on your nerves, for good reasons!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 4 January 2019

the best kind of love is..

the best kind of love is..

The best kind of love is the one that...
lets you be yourself.
Supports you.
Wishes you well.
Hopes for the best for you.
Loves you.
Adores you.
Admires you.
Trusts you.
Believes in you.
Is proud of you and your achievements.
Is authentic with you.
Tells you how it really and truly is.
Shares the ideas with you.
Shares the dreams and goals with you.
Laughs with you.
Smiles with you.
Is sad when you are sad and is happy when you are happy.
Cheers you up.
Learns from you.
Teaches you lessons.
Is close to you.
Is honest with you.
Is connected with you.
Is passionate with you.
Argue with you when and if necessary.
Has time for you.
Is there for you, here and now!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 3 January 2019

wishing health and the rest is up to yourself!

wishing health and the rest is up to yourself!

We can create our very own destiny.
We can choose the path we want to go on.
We can choose the road we want to embark on.
We can choose the route we want to take.
We can decide.
We can still change our mind.
We can seek out more opportunities.
We can take a chance or chances.
We can make mistakes.
We can forgive ourselves.
We can learn from our mistakes.
We can apologize.
We can have fun along the way.
We should not take ourselves so seriously.
We can experiment.
We can always try.
We can make ourselves happy or we can make ourselves sad.
Our fate is in our hands.
Our happiness is in front of us.
What are we going to do now?
And what are we going to do tomorrow?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!