Thursday, 13 December 2018

no reason at all.

no reason at all.

When we do things, nice things for others or ourselves, for no apparent reason at all, or say things, something magical is going to happen or happening at the time of doing.
We can be kind and expect nothing back in return.
We can be loving and caring towards others and not be expecting the same returned back to us.
When we make a first step, without waiting for the other person to be the one.
We can we make a first move, just because we know this is the right thing to do.
We can approach this from the way that can surprise anybody because deep down we feel this is the correct way to go about this.
Take an action, be the action, the first one to speak up, the first one to show up, the first one to say this, the first one to do that.
The first person ever, just because. Just because there is no specific reason for you to be like that, just because you want to.
Not to be like that will be the chance you have not ever taken and for a good reason.
Do the right things that others are too scared to do.
Say the right things that others are too afraid to embark on.
Being the first one is a courageous act and widely appreciated.
Expecting nothing back in return is precious and honored.
Make the difference now.
By being grateful.
And by being yourself, always.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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