Wednesday, 24 October 2018

A piece of poetry

A piece of poetry

I calm you down and you stir me up.
Love is a choice. Choice you make every day. Every single freaking, f*cking day. 


To love or not to love.

To sing a song of your lover or to remain silent. 

To kiss or not to kiss. 

To eat together, or to eat separately. 


Love is an absence of a judgement.

Love is a verb. 

Love is an action.

Love is a motion.

Love is a thing you actually do. 

You are everything I want to touch.
You are everything I want to feel.
You are everything I want to kiss.
You are everything I want to hold.
You are everything I want to laugh with.
You are everything I want to cuddle with.
You are everything I want to snuggle up with.
You are everything I want to hug.
You are everything I want to be close to.
You are everything I want to put my arms around.

You are the one I want to fall asleep with.
Hold on to us as we hold on to ourselves.
Hold on to being us as we hold on to being ourselves.

Do you want to be close to me again? There is a power in togetherness...

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