Saturday, 1 September 2018

Out of the blue, the moments of surprise!!

Out of the blue, the moments of surprise!!

Almost everybody loves surprises, if not everyone, and considering these are good surprises.

Things that happen out of the blue.

A moment of surprise when you receive the news.

Surprises running through your bloodstream.

Good and not such good surprises that life brings, too!

We can even surprise ourselves! How cool is that?

And we can always surprise other people, as well!

Everyday surprises.

Loving gestures.

Kind and loving surprises.

Surprises made out of the blue and spontaneously.

Surprises that rock your world.

Surprises that really surprise you and take your breath away.

Would you ever want to avoid surprises?

Would you ever want to avoid being surprised?

Can you surprise yourself right now? How?

Do you recall the most beautiful surprise that has happened to you?

Do you recall the surprise that somebody loved so much and that you have granted them with?

Do you recall your most recent surprise? What was it about?

Try and surprise yourself!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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