Thursday, 6 September 2018

How to Forgive.

    How to Forgive.

How to forgive yourself?
And how to forgive others, as well?
It might be easily said than done!
Being able to forgive, either ourselves or others, is very important.
But where would we draw the limit line from?
What would be 'okay' to forgive?
And what would be not 'okay' to forgive?
Giving a second chance might be a good starting point, from which to decide whether to forgive or not, further and later on.
Yet, is giving a/the 'third' chance even acceptable?
Would it depend on a person in a question?
Would it also depend on an action done and/or taken by this very person in a question?
What or who would make you decide/make up your own mind?
Who or what could possible help you in your deciding on and decision making at all?
Have you ever been given a second or a third chance by somebody?
Have you ever given a second or a third chance to someone?
Have you asked for a second chance, ever?
Have you been asked for a second chance, ever?
What would be a total 'NO' to you for ever giving a chance at all?
And what would you find okay and acceptable to give another chance to?
Be it at work, in relationships, amongst family and their family members, amongst your friends, your children, your neighbours, anywhere, really..

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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