Saturday, 15 September 2018

a problem shared is a problem halved.

a problem shared is a problem halved.

Talking about a problem with someone else usually makes it seem less daunting or troubling.
If you tell someone about a problem, it is easier to deal with.
Problems don't seem as overwhelming when you talk to a friend about them, and two people are more likely to find a solution than one.
A problem discussed by many people makes it easier to be solved.
When a problem is shared, the solution may be got easily rather than ... after realising the importance of sharing our dilemmas with others.
If you talk about your problems, it will make you feel better.
Remember a problem shared is a problem halved so now is the time to talk. So do get in touch if you think I could help.
The minute we decide to talk to someone about a problem, we are already doing something about it. We are beginning to take positive control...
It's a beautiful gift in life when we have someone who we can trust with our worries, concerns and troubles.
One way of coping with stress is to share your feelings with someone who is having a similar emotional reaction to the same scenario.
The term psychologists use for negative problem sharing is ... beneficial to both parties, and a problem shared can really be a problem halved.
Share your issue – from family disputes to health, disability issues, housing – anything you want to ask.
It can be tempting to talk about other people rather than to them, especially when they have done something to upset or hurt us.
A sentimental joyous magnet perfect for the friend you share your cups of tea with. Tea is a perfect accompaniment to conversation with friends. Share it.
Listen to your children when they want to talk, have strong feelings or have a problem. Work together to solve problems and conflicts.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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