Sunday, 12 August 2018

Avoiding mistakes at all costs?!

Avoiding mistakes at all costs?!

We do not want to repeat the same mistakes again, and all over again, of course.

Yet, by the same taken, we should not be that rigid and that strict about making them in the first place.

Mistakes are just stepping stones on the road to our success.

We should always learn from them.

Maybe the word 'avoid' sounds too harsh for you. And it might, rightly so!

Any mistake out there you wish you did not make?

Any mistake or mistakes that you for some reason tend to still repeat over and over again?

When it happens that you have made a mistake. What do you do first? And what do you do next?

Do you happen to make them by your very own initiative? By sabotaging them (meaning you sabotage your plans)?

I would even say and state that it is almost impossible to avoid all mistakes made. We are humans and humans as such make mistakes. It would not be 'human' if we were totally and absolutely perfect in everything we say and we do!

So are you being a human?

Or are you trying your best to be perfect in every moment?

Yes, we can strive for our best version of ourselves. But reaching for perfection is a waste of time, energy, patience, yourself as a human being. And then, that would be a very sad place to be in!

So, forgive yourself for making mistakes. For the trait so typical to human beings.

Forgive and forget. Learn. Teach. Avoid repeating the same silly mistakes over again and you shall be fine!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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