Sunday, 26 August 2018

A closed vs. Open book.

A closed vs. Open book.

Would you describe yourself as an open book for others to read from?

Or would you describe yourself as a book with a couple or a few pages still closed and/or hidden from/to the public eye?

What would you reveal and why?

What would you keep to yourself, and why?

We all have a story to tell.

We all have a story to write.

We all have a certain amount of pages to scribble on.

We can make it as colourful as we like.

Or we can leave it in black and white edition.

We can divided into some sections.

Our book can have chapters.

It can also be separated into paragraphs.

Is your book going to be an inspiration to others?

Or is it going to be a desperate cry for a help?

Would it be mostly a love story after a love story?

Or would it be a comedy, a hilarious one, a funny one?

Or a tragedy?

Just a romance?

Would it be a travel journal?

Or would it have a post after a post after a post after a post after a post?

Would it be a business book?

Or even a textbook?

You are an author. You hold a key/pen to your destiny and to your book. What you write about depends only on you!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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