Thursday, 7 June 2018

connecting the dots.

connecting the dots.

It is said that only by looking back we can understand our journey, the reasons for doing this and/or that and perhaps even all the answers to our questions.

The reason behind meeting that very person.

The reason behind being in this very special place.

The reason behind being at that very moment in time.

The reason behind saing all that we have said so far.

The reason behind losing that job/that positing.

The reason behind having children/or not having children.

The reason behind being right here and right now.

The reason behind liking what we like.

The reason behind not liking what we dislike.

Stepping back for a while, can we still see the whole/entire picture before it might be too late?

Can we influence it in some way?

Can we stimulate our senses in some way in order to get and achieve what we want for the best of everyone and anybody involved?

Can we 'ask' some higher power for a guidance? A helping hand? A piece of an advise?

Please. Pretty please!

Can we 'exercise' our talent, can we exercise our power?

Pretty please! PLEASE.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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