Monday, 28 May 2018

From past to present into future.

from past to present into future.

We all have things on our mind that lurk from our past.

We all have things on our mind that lurk into our future.

What we do about them is up to us.

Do they change us for the better?

Do they empower us?

Do they change us for the worse?

Can we learn from them?

Can we forget them?

Can we forgive?

Can we experience them again? Do we want to, actually?

Can we influence them?

Can we be influenced by them?

Can we share them with someone?

Can we ask someone for a help?

Can we ask someone for a piece of advise about these very things on our mind?

Can we sleep over them?

Can we actually ignore them? If that is even possible?
What if they come back after all?

What if they remain still here?

So, what do we do in the end??

What would you do???

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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