Thursday, 31 May 2018

Connections we keep.

Connections we keep.

With family.

With friends.

With lovers.

With children.

With mates.

With nature.

With environment.

With pets.

With animals.

With the past.

With the present.

With the future.

With art.

With creation.

With memories.

With smells.

With tastes.

With ourselves.

With things that matter to us.

With people who matter to us.

With all living things.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Dreams. Our dreams.

Dreams. Our dreams.

What do we make out out of our dreams?

What do they mean, actually?

What do they represent?

Who do they represent?

What are they trying to tell us?

We can dream wild dreams.

We can have a variety of dreams.

We can dream a dream and then go and make is happen.

We dream about people.

We dream about places.

We can also go many days on in a row without dreaming at all!

We can have a really vivid dream or dreams.

When was the last time that you had a dream? What was it about? Who was it about?

Surprising dreams.

Sweet dreams.

Loving dreams.

Exciting dreams.

Dreams about you and me.

Dreams about me and you. You name a few!

Dreams about this and that. You name it.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 28 May 2018

Appreciating the differences.

Appreciating the differences.

Appreciating the differences in two people.

When one is introvert, whereas the other one is extrovert.

One is outgoing, the other one is an one man show, sometimes.

The unique combination of the two can create miracles and extraordinary things.

Would you name a few examples?

Can you see it happening in your life?

When one is up, the other one is down.

When one is open, the other one is closed.

When one is cheerful, the other one is sad.

When one is friendly, the other one is more mellow of a type.

How can we use that to our advantage?

How can we improve our life in that way?

How can we appreciate this even more?

How can we celebrate this even more?

How can we cherish that even more?

How can we value that even more?

How can we love/like/adore this and that even more?

How can we respect that and this even more?

How can we tolerate this and that even more?

How can we create more? Work on more projects in this and that way?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From past to present into future.

from past to present into future.

We all have things on our mind that lurk from our past.

We all have things on our mind that lurk into our future.

What we do about them is up to us.

Do they change us for the better?

Do they empower us?

Do they change us for the worse?

Can we learn from them?

Can we forget them?

Can we forgive?

Can we experience them again? Do we want to, actually?

Can we influence them?

Can we be influenced by them?

Can we share them with someone?

Can we ask someone for a help?

Can we ask someone for a piece of advise about these very things on our mind?

Can we sleep over them?

Can we actually ignore them? If that is even possible?
What if they come back after all?

What if they remain still here?

So, what do we do in the end??

What would you do???

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 27 May 2018

giving up is not an option.

giving up is not an option.

We do not have the option of giving up.

We do not have the option of quitting.

There is no such a luxury as giving up.

There is no such a luxury as quitting.

We have to gather all of our energy.

We have to gather all of our time left.

We have to gather all of our patience left.

We have to gather ourselves and go for it.

Everything that is awaiting us is on the other side of our fear.

We might even know and have all the answers.

We know better than any other.

Our soul knows.

Our heart knows.

Our memory knows.

We can learn from our experiences.

We can learn from our mistakes.

We can learn from our past.

One day, you will look back at your life. And make sure there are no many regretts.

Make sure your life is well lived, happy, joyful, pleasant, full of love and laughter and fun!

Starting from now.....

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 26 May 2018



The one who makes the path.

The one who is followed.

The one who is watched over.

The one who is looked at.

The one who is looked after.

The one who is taken care of.

The one who knows the rules and breaks them anyway.

The one who goes after their dreams.

The one who goes after their ambitions.

The one who goes after their aspirations.

The one who follows their heart.

The one who listens to their soul.

The one who is the square peg in the roundy shape toy.

The one who is passionate.

The one who is caring.

The one who is respectful.

The one who is here and now, who is present.

The one who is curious.

The one who is creative.

Are you such a person? Who is such a person? Do you know of anybody like that?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 25 May 2018

No brainer.

No brainer.

No brainer with friends.



















Questions and answers.

And much, much more!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!