Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Learning to be by yourself.

Learning to be by yourself.

Learning to be by yourself can be for some a really difficult task.

Learning to spend your time wisely.

Learning to spend your money wisely.

Learning to cook for yourself, only.

Learning to love your voice.

Learning to make fun of yourself.

Learning to solve problems as they occur.

Learning to celebrate events by yourself and love it!

What can be said about someone who jumps from one relationship to the next just because he is way too afraid and way too scared to be left alone, just by himself?!?

How can we enjoy our 'alone time' even more?

How can we appreciate it even more?

Because there are going to be occasions when there would be nobody but ourselves. Better to be ready and prepare for it!

How can we solved any issue in no time when there is nobody around to whom we might need to ask for a help?

And what about when we are sick? Ill?

When we just simply do not feel well at all?

Doing the mundane things, day in and day out. That is the life.

Do it now.

Do it as nicely as you can!

Because you can, you really can!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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