Friday, 19 January 2018

turn the things 180 degree around!!

turn the things 180 degree around!!

How can we turn the things around?

How can we make things just a little bit better?

How can we make this just a bit easier for all?

If we are waiting for a message from someone, could we be the first one to message them?

Are we waiting to hear from someone? Can we make sure they do hear first from us?

Do we need a help? Can we provide a helping hand to somebody else?

Can we do more in our work?

Can we spend more time on our passion projects?

How can we improve ourselves? In our work?
In our relationships?
In our fitness?
In our eating habits?
In our speaking skills?
In any abilities that we possess?

Can we engage in more activities, in more projects, in more communities?

How can we 'clean' the world and our surroundings from inside and out, and from outside to in??

Can we become more calm?

Can we become more patient?

Can we become more tolerant?

Can we become more respectful?

Can we become more caring?

Can we become more proactive??

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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