Thursday, 25 January 2018

Temporary fix vs. Permanent happiness.

Temporary fix vs. Permanent happiness.

We have all heard of some and any temporary fixes.

And then, we have all heard of permanent happiness that certain actions are going to bring to us.

For instance, eating too much sweets is temporaty fix.

Also, smoking, too much drinking, looking for a connection of people that have no feelings and emotions, at all!

For example, binge eating, even exercising, etc. are all temporaty fixes that will not bring us permanent happiness in a long run!

We can invest in ourselves that is going to lead to permanent happiness.

We can start eating healthily.

We can start exercising.

We can do actions of kindness every single and each day.

We can learn something new every single and each day.

We can go travelling and explore and learn about as many places and countries as possible.

We can see the big picture, after doing the mundane things we do each and every day.

We can also plan ahead, for the future.

We can begin meeting fun, interesting and like-minded people who we can learn from.

We can save some money, a little by little, a day by day.

We can create music, every day, a bit by bit.

We can write a page, every single and each day. Nothing more and nothing less.
What else can we do in order to avoid temporary fix and look forward to permanent happiness?!?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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