Wednesday, 31 January 2018

live your way out (the best of the best).

live your way out
(the best of the best).

How can we live our way out?

How can we live our very best?

How can we enjoy ourselves as best as we can?

How can we be just a bit happier?

How can we be just a bit more satisfied?

How can we give more?

How can we provide more?

How can we get more, for the best reasons?

How can we receive more, for the best reasons?

How can we learn more about ourselves, about others, about things, about places and everything and all surrounding us?

How can we appreciate more?

How can we care more?

How can we be more proactive?

How can we be more open?

How can we be more tolerant?

How can we be more patient?

How can we be more respectful?

How can we be more passionate?

How can we be more compassionate?

How can we be more of ourselves, in every day, and every day?!?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

To touch....

To touch....

a loving person.

A baby.


A silky pattern.

A kitten.

A dog.

Someone's heart.

Someone's soul.

Someone's taste.

Someone's feelings in a good way.

To touch a ground.

To touch a hand.

To touch a lip.

To touch a table.

To touch a computer.

To touch a glass.

To touch the sun.

To touch the water.

Touch your body.

Touch everything that belongs to you.

Touch anything you want to touch!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 29 January 2018

think before you act!

think before you act!

Think before you act.

Think before you say something.

Think before you touch something.

Think before you touch somebody.

Think before you press something.

Think before you go out.

Think before you write.

Think before you create something.

Think before you sing.

Think before you dance.

Think before you send something.

Think before you cook.

Think before you bake.

Think before you swim.

Think before you jump.

Think before you teach.

Think before you learn something.

Think before you eat.

Think before you drink.

Think before you finish something.

Think before you watch something.

Think twice before doing/saying anything to anybody!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Have you already done the right thing today?!?

Have you already done the right thing today?!?

Have you planned your day yet?

Have you asked the right/good questions?

Have you helped someone today?

Have you written kind words to someone today?

Have you eaten healthily today?

Have you relaxed today?

Have you laughed today?

Have you taken care of something or somebody today?

Have you apologized to someone today, if necessary?

Have you called someone today and wished them a good day?

Have you learnt something new today for yourself?

Have you taught something new to someone today that they did not know about?

Have you cleaned your living space today? Done the tidying up?

Have you taken care of your vehicle, of your car?

Have you done something/anything today that made you smile, feel good about yourself, and the rest?

Have you already thought of/about what else can be improved, be it inside or outside?

Have you exercised today?

Have you danced today, just because?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Mind vs. Heart

Mind vs. Heart

Mind versus your heart.

Your heart versus your mind.

Sometimes we can listen to our heart.

And sometimes we can listen to our mind.

When it comes to love, what would you listen to more of? Your heart, or your mind?

When it comes to relationships of any kind, what would you listen to more of? Your mind, or your heart?

When it comes to your passion, what would you listen to more of? Your heart, or maybe your mind?

When it comes to your work, to your position, what would you listen to more of? Would you listen with your heart or would your listen with your mind instead?

When it comes to decision making of any sorts whatsoever, what would you listen to more of and more often? Would you listen to your heart, or would you rather listen with your mind?

When it comes to your health, what do you listen to more of and more often? Your heart, or even your mind? Your body? Your soul/spirit? Does that depend on a certain situation? What if you feel sick? Ill? What if you do not feel well at all? And what if you feel at your very best? And then, would you want to repeat the pattern? What works and what does not work, for you?

When it comes to creating something arty, creating some art, writing something, creating and producing a piece of music, what would you listen to more of, more often, day in and day out? Your mind? Your heart? Your body? Your soul? Your spirit?

When it comes to anything in life, what woud most probably be your first instinct? Would your turn on your mind first, or your heart, or even your body, your soul, your spirit?
Would you say it depends on your mood? On a current situation? On what brings you joy, love? On what feels good right now, at the moment? On thinking what would have happened, be it good or not so good, it that or this happened at all, actually, or not happened, at all??

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 26 January 2018

the work of yours.

the work of yours.

What sort of work is absolutely unique to yourself?

What are you good at?

What could you be better at?

What are you totally interested in?

Why are you here for?

What are you here for?

Who are you here for?

What for are you here for?

What are you made of?

What makes you swoon?

Who makes you swoon?

What is it that put you into a 'flow'?

Who is it who put you into a 'flow'?

What is the gift of yours that you are willing to share with the world?

What is it that only you can do in your very own and special way?

How did you learn it?

How often can you do this?

Is your work also your passion?

Do you do your work passionately?

What is it that makes you getting lost?

Have you already found it??

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Temporary fix vs. Permanent happiness.

Temporary fix vs. Permanent happiness.

We have all heard of some and any temporary fixes.

And then, we have all heard of permanent happiness that certain actions are going to bring to us.

For instance, eating too much sweets is temporaty fix.

Also, smoking, too much drinking, looking for a connection of people that have no feelings and emotions, at all!

For example, binge eating, even exercising, etc. are all temporaty fixes that will not bring us permanent happiness in a long run!

We can invest in ourselves that is going to lead to permanent happiness.

We can start eating healthily.

We can start exercising.

We can do actions of kindness every single and each day.

We can learn something new every single and each day.

We can go travelling and explore and learn about as many places and countries as possible.

We can see the big picture, after doing the mundane things we do each and every day.

We can also plan ahead, for the future.

We can begin meeting fun, interesting and like-minded people who we can learn from.

We can save some money, a little by little, a day by day.

We can create music, every day, a bit by bit.

We can write a page, every single and each day. Nothing more and nothing less.
What else can we do in order to avoid temporary fix and look forward to permanent happiness?!?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

I remember....

I remember....

I remember the feeling of falling in love.

I remember that song that makes me swoon.

I remember you.

I remember children I have taken care of.

I remember going to school.

I remember sitting the exam.

I remember taking tests.

I remember doing the driver's course.

I remember the smell of childhood.

I remember the taste of the chicken soup.

I remember when we have chatted.

I remember the butterflies in my tummy.

I remember typing things away.

I remember going to sleep.

I remember being sad.

I remember being happy.

I remember being tired and exhausted.

I remember being scared.

I remember cooking and baking something delicious.

I remember being alone.

I remember feeling lonely.

I remember this.

I remember that.

What do you remember??

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Let us not react but act instead!

Let us not react but act instead!

Life can throw at us many, way too many obstacles.

What we do right after receiving them is totally and absolutely up to us.

We can react.

We can act defensive.

We can be proactive.

We can act and take actions.

What seemed to be a nightmare yesterday, that could very well be a solution to us today.

Sleep can help, too!

Listening to music can also help.

Doing things that bring us a real pleasure.

Things that make us happy.

People who make us happy.

What works for you?

Sleeping over things?
Thinking them all over again?
Thinking them aloud?
Writing things down?
Talking to someone?
Writing about them?
Reading about them?

We all need a downtime.
We all need a space.
We all need a freedom.
We all need a time just for spending it by ourselves, just for ourselves.
We all need a helping hand, from time to time!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!