Sunday, 3 December 2017

match the words with your actions.

match the words with your actions.

Words we say.

Actions we take.

And then combine the two of them together.

And try your best to match the both of them together.

Or else we might get confused.

Otherwise we may feel confused.

What do we want to say?

What do we want to do?

What actions do we want to take?

What thoughts do we want to realize?

What plans and goals do we want to accomplish?

What aspirations and ambitions do we want to make real and come true?

How do we want to sound to other people?

How do we want to look like to other people?

How do we want to be approached by other people?

What do we want to mean to other people?

How do we want to represent ourselves to others?

How do we want to be viewed by others?

How do we want to be perceived by others?

What example do we want to set to and for other people? Children? Community?

High time we thought about that!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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