Monday, 13 November 2017

take a big bite of your life!!

take a big bite of your life!!

We are here for a certain amount of time.

Not too long, to say the least.

Our life can be put into many categories.

We should each one of them, simultaneously, no matter what.

We can work on each one of them all at the same time.

We, ourselves, can be still work in a progress.

We should enjoy each bite of our life, no matter how big or how small!

Our life spread over our relationships,

our work,

our passions,

our health and fitness,

our children,

our friends,

our finance,

our household,

our intellectual, emotional,

our love life.

Each one of them needs and requires our time, patience, energy.

How much time and energy and patience are we willing to give it, to provide it with?

Even though, at first, it may seem or look or even sound scary if we took a bit bite, would we be even able to make it to the last bite, to the last crumbs??

Let us do it and let us see!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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