Sunday, 15 October 2017

The power of cooperation.

The power of cooperation.

The power of the two.

The power of two ideas.

The power of two people.

The power of two inspirations.

The power of two opinions.

The power of two creations.

The power of two experiences.

The power of two lives put together.

The power of two lovers.

The power of two friends.

The power of two emails.

The power of two messages.

The power of two lessons.

The power of two songs.

The power of two tunes.

The power of two books.

The power of two paintings.

The power of two groups.

The power of two bands.

The power of two flowers.

The power of two smells.

The power of the two items put together to create something unique and very special, indeed!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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