Friday, 20 October 2017

Should not judge the book by its cover.

Should not judge the book by its cover.

The beauty is only skin deep.

Appearance of a person.

Looks of a person.

What does the person look like?

What is the person like?

What do you like about other people?

Are the first impressions important to you?

Or do you dig deep inside each person?

We can see the person and we can put them in a category, like it or not.

Then, we can spend some time with them and decide whether we like them or not, and this could even change from time to time, or from the first impression we have gained.

We can spend some time on them, invest our energy, patience and love towards them.

Do you prefer inside beauty or outside beauty?

Have you ever been judged by how you look?

Have you ever been laughed at by how you look?

Have you ever been ridiculed by how you look and behave?

Have you ever done or said something about someone or to someone about their looks and then you regretted afterwards?

We can never really truly said what is inside one's mind, how they feel, what they believe in, what they think, what they want to do and say, where they want to go, who they want to talk to, etc.

Who are we to say what is right and what is wrong?!?

Thank you for sharing and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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