Sunday, 8 October 2017

Fix the problem. Find the solution.

Fix the problem. Find the solution.

That might be a formula for a success.
That might be something that can work.
Or, that might be something that will not work.

Not dwell way too long on a problem itself.
Yet, find solutions as fast as humanly possible.
The rule of 20% and 80%.

How long do you usually spend on solving all of your problems?
How much time do you spend on finding the solutions?
And how much help do you need from your people in order to turn a problem into something that you can use to your advantage?

I would say it may vary from person to person.
Some people are excellent at solving problems and finding the solutions to them and the right people to go along the way.
Problem half shared is a problem half solved. Would you agree with that statement? And if not, why not?

There are quite possible trillions and trillions of problems worldwide and perhaps even more! People can run around and looking eagerly for ways to go over your problems and troubles, to delete them, if possible or just to make them go away, solve them.
How many people are actully there who are literally avoiding problems as such.
One of these options could be good and work well. We are not going to do or say or think of anything that could make a problem rise up.
And then, once the problems occur, we avoid them, we leave them alone, and we literally are able to do nothing about them, hoping they are going to somewhat disappear from our life, just like them! And that way almost never work!!

Yes, of course, we do not want to worry about something that might not even ever happen. That is for sure! And it happens quite a lot and quite often! Have you experienced that yourself?

Let's put the 'problem' on the paper.
Let's look for solutions.
Let's look for people who can help you.
Let's search for possible ways of solving it and going around it in the best way possible!
And see the results!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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