Wednesday, 13 September 2017



What is your favorite season?
What do you think of when you think of winter?
What are some things your family did when you were a child in spring?
What is the worst season in your country?
Does it snow in your hometown in the winter? Did you use to make snowmen?
What is your favorite thing to do in summer?
What festivals or celebrations does your country have during the changing of the seasons?
Do you ever go hiking when the leaves change in fall?
Where is the best place to be in summer? How about winter?
Does your country have a special food for any of the seasons?

Do you have memories for each of the seasons?

Spring: flowers blossoming, getting warmer little bit, a new beginning, the nature awakens, etc.

Summer: swimming, hot temperatures, water melons, trips to to mountains, holidays, ice creams, meeting with friends, time off from school responsibilities, etc.

Autumn/Fall: the leaves are falling down, all the colours of the nature, the harvest of all planted, closing the summer and getting ready for the winter sleep, beautiful walkings, eating potatoes, etc.

Winter: skiing, long winter nap, Christmas holidays, presents, getting ready for the new year, cleaning the houses and gardens, etc.

Children can find anything nice in any type of a season, I believe.
What can we adults learn from them?
How can we harvest the best and the most of each and every season?

Perhaps, when we were children, we were experiencing all the seasons more intensely that we do now. Nowdays, we may be looking only for work, for what needs to be done at the shortest time possible. We can go on holiday in any season, still enjoy the nature to the fullest and be the happiest little self, every time, at any moment, at every opportunity given to us!!

Let us go for it, then!!!

Please, leave your comment below what you have in mind to say to this topic! Much appreciated!!!!

Thank you so much for reading and your time!!!!!!!

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