Saturday, 12 August 2017

the ability to believe in things that have not happened to us yet!!

the ability to believe in things that have not happened to us yet!!

It is easy trust things and to believe in things that have happened to us over and over, many times all over again.
The real task and a challenge occur when we are and find ourselves in the position of a complete trust in something that has not happened to us, yet, ever!
The occasion when we are forced, in a good way, to trust in and something that we have actually no idea about! We do not know what it entitles, what could happen, to us, etc. etc.

What if you had never been in a real relationship and you are almost giving up on it. How would you go about this to trust love again, to go for it, to believe in it with every beat of your body? With every cell in your body?

What if you had never had a job that you enjoy so much? Your career? Your passion? Would you still go and look for it? Would you still attend a course? Would you still accept the invition for an interview?

It is not easy to believe in something that you have never achieved in your life, for one reason or the other.

Would you think of something else?
Can you think of anything else?

What if you had never owned a house and now you have a chance to be an owner? Would you believe in it? Would you agree to trusting this or would you be doubtful?

If a person who want to love and marry and be with for the rest of your life has not come into your life yet and someone has told you they are on their way, and would love you and appreciate you and adore you and cherish you and laugh with you and fall asleep with you and eat with you and dance with you and anything that you have always dreamt about, this person would be doing with you and to you, would this be hard for your to get your head and mind around? Would you trust this and believe this? What information can you rely on? Who can back it off for you? Would it be even possible? Who can tell?

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!

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