Friday, 11 August 2017

rules. Your rules!

rules. Your rules!

I believe every person has a certain set of rules. Their rules. The rules that rule only their world. They believe in them, they trust in them, and they obey them.
Some of the other people may not understand them, may even think them that they are strange and weird.
Yet, we can really do nothing about that.
As much as they can not nothing about our rules.
I believe in them, only when they do not hurt others, and are not harming to any human being, animal, and such!
Toss the stone who is without the sin!
You can judge the person as much as they can judge us, or judge you!
Who we are to think others are more or even less than us?
Who is without the mistakes?
We can say a lot, yet, are actions would always speak lounder than anything we say or even write about!
How can we possibly expect something to do something and then letting ourselves do the very same thing?!!
I mean, where is the line?
Who can draw the line?
Who can speak about the boundaries?
And who can draw the boundaries?
We can have boundaries for ourselves, or even for other people!
We can say some things and do others, too!?
Expecting to do things to others and not assuming they are going to do the very same ones to us?!
Do not do others that which you do not want them to do to you! Simple rule as this!
What are your rules? What makes you think like that? And why are the rules the way they are?!?
What if you are independent, would your rules be different?
Or/and would your rules be different if you have dependants, for example?
Rules, such as: be faithful, learn and teach about and from children, rules about giving and receiving and taking, about finance, about education, about the emotions, about feelings, about communication, about family, about marriage, about anything that you want to have some and or any rules about!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!

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