Sunday, 6 August 2017

Name it, and then claim it!!

Name it, and then claim it!!


Have you already given it its correct name?
Have you already looked at all the options you have?
Have you already asked all the right questions you ever wanted and you ever had to ask?
Have you already given it all the right feelings and emotions and assumptions you ever had?
Have you already given it all of your hopes and aspirations and dreams and desires and cravings and ambitions?
Have you been working hard, so hard, actually, you can barely see through with your very own eyes?
Have you been burning the midnight oil too many times, way too many times, actually?
Have you put the right tag on it, or to it?
Have you named it, so that you can claim it, then?
Have you memory and recollections been frozen in time and you cannot seem to go backwards or forwards, for that matter?

Yes, I am pretty sure, it can happen. It can happen to anybody, actually and for that matter!!

If not, why wait?
Wait for what?
If not now, when, then?

No more words.
No more typing.
No more hard work, at least, for now!
No more nightmares.
No more being tired and exhausted and stressed out!
more of: love, admiration, healthy eating, happiness, smiles and jokes, more fun, more sleep, more love making, more attractions, more music, more reading, more books, more hugs, more kisses, more snuggles with the loving and caring people....

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!

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