Saturday, 5 August 2017

Can we have it all??

Can we have it all??

Can we have a family and be studying at the same time?
Can we have a career and a family life at the same time?
Can we balance our work and life?
Can we study and iron at the same time?
Can we be distance learner and be able to have a dinner made and on the table by 5pm?
Can we paint and make art and educate ourselves and make love, too?

Can we finally listen to our heart?
Can we plan, at least a little bit, what do we want to do next?
Can we still have children even though someone has told us not to because of this or because of that? Yet, we still want it because we feel it and would love them so much and so dearly?

Can we still study that we want so much, even though all the people around us it is impossible to reach that goal?!?

Can we still trust someone even though all the people around us tell us otherwise?

We can do anything that our mind can conceive. As long as it is not hurtful to anybody around.

We can exercise even though someone keeps us telling how hard that actually is.

We can dream as much and as hard as we can and as we want about things we want and desire!

Even the impossible things may be possible only if we see them this way, and no any other way!

So, what would it be, the things you want so much and for so long? What would you need to do in order to make it true?

I wish you all the best and luck in the world!!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

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