Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Ways to save one's and someone's life.

Ways to save one's and someone's life.

Would writing a book/a novel do and help?
Would making a song do and help?
Would creating a piece of art do and help?
Would taking a photo/a picture do and help?

Would some 'suitable' words be appropriate in such a situation? Would they do and help in that very crucial moment?

Would there be any special and specific activity, or a person that would do and help?

There should always be a chance given, a way that can help anybody and in every and any situation. Perhaps, it is easier said then done, of course.
At least, and as long as we are willing to do so and open to such a suggestion, this way is going to pop up in our head and we are going to use it, no doubt about that!

Looking back, what was the one and only thing that brought you back up and play again? Or was it a person?
Or, by the same token, what help have you provided for somebody else?

We are here to walk each other home.
We are here to help each other on our journeys.
We are here to protect each other.
We are here to learn from one another.
We are here to raise healthy children.
We are here to protect all green part of our planet (plants, forest, etc.).
We are here to protect all blue part of our planet (seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, water, etc.).
We are here to enjoy each other's company.
We are here to plant more trees and flowers and to grow fruits and vegetables, etc.
We are here to educate ourselves in every way and help others achieve the same, etc.
We are here to respect one another in every way, and in every sense!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!! 

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