Wednesday, 19 July 2017

the bravest thing to do!

the bravest thing to do!

Countless of them there are there!
Things that can scare us right out, yet can provide and give us the most satisfaction.
Adopt a dog or a cat or any other pet for that matter from the shelter, if you can.
Still reaching out to that very person you love so much!
Doing anything that fills you up in a way of excitement.
Something that interests you.
Something that makes you bigger and greater as a person.
Something that makes you more mature and grown up like.

When he /she talks to much, let go and kiss her/him.
Rather really listen to what one is saying than to wait for him/her to finish in order to say what we have got to say!
Always be braver than you are!
Always be protective.
Always be wiser than the rest.

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know.”

So, what would be on the agenda, today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow?
We should do every single each day one thing that scares us. That would make a pretty much sense. Have you done one already today? And what about tomorrow?
What do you think, how would you feel? Would you be proud of yourself? Would you be proud of your accomplishment?
Would you be proud of your achievement?
Would you be proud of yourself for finishing the task, right to the very end of it?
Would that make you think even more deeper? Be even more thoughtful about yourself and your thinks?
Would that make you more aware of your surroundings?

Let us try and see for ourselves!!

Thank you for time and reading this post!!!

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