Friday, 7 July 2017

on being patient.

on being patient.

To be patient requires something.
To take one's time.
To wait patiently for something.
To wait for somebody patiently.
To await something beautiful.
To await somebody beautiful.

Like it or not, there will be times when all we have got left to do would be to be patient. Very patient. As patient as one can be!

Waiting patiently until the fruit of our labor come upon us.
Maybe, sometimes, I wish I knew earlier certain things.

All this could be speeded up a little bit, to the advantage of everyone.

But, there is supposed to be a reason for everything!

Even the one of being patient, to learn how to wait without the need of behaving like a child, or in a childish way, that is, impatiently.

All the seasons are teaching us to be patient: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

And through each of them we learn, we learn more and more with every passing each day and with our every single experience.

To wait patiently till the fruit is ripe enough to eat.
To wait patiently till we enjoy the connection at its best when we would if we did not wait and were done right at the start.
To wait patiently for giving each other enough time and space when we both would feel comfortable enough, and enough said. It must work for both ways, though.
And then to await the result, the resolutions, the response, the decision, the reply, etc.

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!

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