Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Having Expectations.

Having Expectations.

Everybody has certain number of expectations. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, etc.
Sometimes having expectations can make us happy and satisfied with our life. However, at other times it may feel the opposite. As we may be disappointed with the results, sad and not understood.

To have great expectations for us is a wonderful thing.
To go after what we want, to desire and to achieve.
To have a dream and expect it to come true and turn into a reality.

Yet, what about if we have expectations with and about other people?
Is there a chance to get our fingers burned?
Has it happened to you before?
If so, how many times can you bare this happening and occurring in your life?

Some may say we should have no expectations at all.
Perhaps just hope and then slightly believe but just not to expect. Especially, not to expect too much, and perhaps even not to expect too early.
Well, then, not to expect anything of too much and too early... is that really a way we want to live by?
Could there by any other way?
Or would we have our fingers burnt and our hearts and mind hurt?
Would it be worth it, after all?

Is there something that you are expecting to happen tomorrow and you are quite sure it is going to happen, anyway, believe it or not? How could you be so sure?
Could you name just some, or a few?

Or looking back, would you say that you regret something by the fact that you had some and certain expectations? Or would that be the opposite way? Did that work out for you and for the best?

Would or could balance be the right solution, for you?

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

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