Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Gesture, favor.

Gesture, favor.

What has been your greatest gesture you have done for somebody else in your life, so far?
What has been your biggest favor you have done for somebody else in your life, so far?
Take, for example, your lover: what have you done for them to make them feel loved, appreciated, adored, valued, seen, heard, noticed, understood, called upon?
Have you bought flowers?
Have you invited them on a luxury holiday, to a excellent spot in a sun?
Have you moved mountains for them?
Have you moved to be closer to them?
Have you created a song, a poem for them?
Have you made all their wildest wishes and dreams come true?
Have you been the first one to say the 'magic words'?
Have you done anything in particular what you thought would not be even possible to do, at the first glance?

Or, looking at it from the other side...
what would you be willing to do in order to make sure the other half feels love and appreciation and happiness?
What gesture, what favor, without asking anybody anything?
Without the other person to remind you to do so?

And, also, what would you tolerate the other person does for you as a act of a love, a gesture, a favor, in order for you to feel loved, appreciated, notices, heard, seen, adored, understood, etc.?
And what would you accept from the other person to do for you to feel a happiness, love, adoration, understanding?

I could go on and on about this very topic, but I am sure you understand the point I am trying to make, and what I mean here.

If you have never ever received one, or were just about doing so, let us get the inspiration going and the juice flowing and see what could happen or even what happens next?!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

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