Sunday, 9 July 2017

Does really that what does not kill us, make us stronger??

Does really that what does not kill us, make us stronger??

Have you really been through a really bad situation and came out of it exhausted, tired, sick, ill and unhappy about the whole sad thing?

Would you think of a moment or two, when you have become stronger through them, or via them, in order to learn from them and move on with your life?

What about those people who have been a witness and even the main character of the story that does not end well?
Do you think do those very same people hold the same belief that life and things in life happen for a reason? What does not kill you, makes you stronger?

I, myself, at times feel the exact opposite. All the trials and errors I have been encountering have been a total burden to me, and that for many, many reasons. I have to ask myself, what for is all that? How can I change that and how can I get out of such situation?

I would love to hear situations and moments when that has worked for someone. I would say in some instances it does really work, but what about on all the rest, then?

What if there would be moments when we would really prefer the easy way out?
We are humans, after all.
And not robots, without feelings and a real thinking, at least, the way human people do the process of thinking, the processing of the information, considering, asking, wondering, doubting, answering, be curiously impatient.

I wish for everyone to see the light at the end of the tunnel, at least for the most part of the journey.
I wish to find many and many, lots of reasons to know when this or that happened to me and also know the answer to this or that, and, really, be stronger, at the end of it all. Not in spite of it, be weaker and not seeing the true treasure and gift of things happening to me, right now, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow....

Thank you for your time and reading!!!!!

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