Saturday, 22 July 2017

A plan? A no plan?

A plan? A no plan?

Can you imagine a life with a plan?
And can you imagine a life without a plan?

Some things, of course, require a plan.
To live a life spontaneously is a fun way to live and go!

To go about the day without doing really any planning.
To move from one thing to the other!

Or to plan every single each and every thing. A minute by a minute.
To know and to expect and to see it happening.

What has worked for you so far?
And what has not worked for you so far?

Sometimes things happen without us even realizing them, just them seem to fall in place, as simple as that.
We may wish and we may hope, we may not even say it out loud, yet, our dreams do come to a reality?

Would you say it is a coincidence? Or would you call it a destiny? Or would you call it a fate? Or is that a considerate planning done well ahead of the time? Or is it just the way we hope, see, believe and realize it to be true?!

There is most definitely the truth to it all.
There is absolutely something behind it.
There is totally something we yet still have to learn about in order to know more!

Some very important things and significant priorities we have do have to be planned in order to avoid disappointment.
At other times, we can live maybe just a little bit more freely, and open and go with the flow, rather than being rigid all the time, or for the most time, at most, to say the least!

What would you reckon? What would you say and think? What would you suggest?!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!

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