Friday, 16 June 2017

The seasons of Life.

The seasons of Life.

As there are seasons in the weather terms, there are, as well, seasons of and in Life.

I am pretty sure you have heard of the following: spring, summer, autumn (fall), winter.

But what do they really represent? Speaking of life, and in Life in general, what do they actually mean to and for us, in regards to the life of ours and those around us?

Can and if so, how, can we apply these to our life?
Can we use them to our advantage?
Can we work with them, to become maybe even friends?
Do all of them (and each one of them) provide us with a different set of experiences and lessons?

Awakening. Everything and everyone wakes up from the long winter sleep.
Beginning to plan, to plan ahead, to draw a map, perhaps.
Even to ask some necessary questions. Or have doubts and look for ways to solve them.
Planting seeds, for sure!

Sort of enjoying the sunshine. The warmth, the fruits of the sun, the outdoor activities.

Autumn (Fall)
Harvesting, most definitely. Picking up the strawberries, the potatoes, anything at all that we have planted in the spring time, a season.

Getting ready for the winter slumber, sleep, nap, doze, rest, and generally relaxing, reflecting on the life that we have had before and on the one in front of us!

Thank you for reading and your time!!

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