Tuesday, 13 June 2017

(D) My 30th Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

My 30th Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Yep, I am soon turning to be 30 years young!! And Life’s good!

Shall I go back and reflect on my previous 30 years of living! Well, of course…..!!

If the life is worth living, the life if worth recording!!

The feedback so far on my part:

1.      I do not regret anything!

2.      Action speaks louder than words!

3.      The 2 points above in one sentence: when we turn 90 or 100, we won’t regret things that we did, but we may regret the things we did NOT do!

4.      The more people I meet, the happier I become!

5.      The more love I give away… the more it all comes back to me -  and tenfold!

6.      The more places I visit and the more cultures I experience, the more my life becomes and is richer and fulfilled!

7.      Flexibility is my friend!

8.      Clarity and Focus will take you great places!

9.      I am NOT an island!

10.  The ‘Rocking Chair’ test has helped me on several occasions! *

11.  Life Learning is a life - long affair. That is why it is called Life Learning!

12.  Mentor, Teacher, Role Model, Soul Mate, Kindred Spirit, Like-minded person can help you speed up the journey!

13.  Money is not everything. But in the hands of the right person – it works like a charming magic! Make friends with money!

14.  Gratitude and Love are the most beautiful words in every dictionary!

15.  I demand more from myself than anyone could ever expect!

16.  Never ever give up! Keep on keeping on!

17.  Never stop dreaming and that is dreaming big!

18.  Laugh! And smile. EVERY DAY!

19.  Live with passion!

20.  Children are great teachers. Let us learn from them!

21.  You are what you EAT! Period. You are what you THINK! Period.

22.  Love all animals. Yes – all of them!

23.  Listen to your instinct! Trust your intuition!

24.  Always have a pen and a paper out and ready! Why? For ideas, of course! 

25.  Find your purpose!

26.  Breath correctly!! You gonna do it anyway, so you might as well do it right!

27.  Learn to manage your emotion => be emotionally intelligent!

28.  Face your fears! Face your fears! Face your fears!

29.  WLK YR TLK! Walk your talk, that is!

30.  Thank and love your parents. They did the best they could with the resources they had at the time!!

31.  Forgive everyone AND yourself!

32.  You cannot give  what you do not have!

33.  Enjoy SEX! It has lots of benefits. From clearing your skin through bonding to a great form of exercise! Blah blah blah blah…

34.  Patience is the king!

35.  Count your blessings. Make every day special. Let us not take anything and anyone for granted!

36.  Be Bold, Courageous, Brave, Curious, Tough, Strong!

37.  Every time focus on the task at hand!

38.  Make plans, make goals!


40.  Ask and it shall be given unto you!

41.  Take it easy. Do not take yourself so damn seriously!

42.  Timing is the key!

43.  Practice, practice, practice Active Listening!

44.  The secret to Living is Giving!

45.  Listen twice as much as you speak! 2 ears, 1 mouth = ring any bells??

46.  Do not sweat the small stuff. Stay calm and cool and steady!

47.  Keep the main thing The main thing!

48.  Share with/Tell the people who you love and care about how you feel (about them). Always!

49.  It is never too late!

50.  Never say Never!

51.  Keep a journal!

52.  Believe. Have a faith!

53.  Every day is a miracle!

54.  Find someone who you can pitch and catch with on a daily basis, preferably your Soul Mate Life-Long Partner!

55.  Treat every person with respect! EVERY ONE!

56.  There is no such a thing as a stupid question!

57.  Think before you open your mouth!

58.  Integrity  is only yours!

59.  Heart is stronger than Brain! Talking about magnetic field here.

60.  Love people! Maybe I am repeating myself. That is why it is so important!

61.  Unconditional Love is really an unconditional one!

62.  Wherever your FOCUS goes, ENERGY flows!

63.  Be  resourceful!

64.  Be inspired – find a meaning!

65.  Learn to meditate; practice yoga!

66.  Be WHOLE!

67.  Do something that scares you out of your pants. Daily!

68.  Reward yourself. Regularly!

69.  Save & Invest! Invest & Save!

70.  Ask yourself: ‘What can I learn from this?’!

71.  Remember the magic words!

72.  Keep flossing those in-betweeners!

73.  People may forget what you said, but will remember how you made them feel!

74.  This too shall pass!

75.  Eat That Frog! *

76.  FOCUS 100% on the task at hand! Give it your undivided attention!

77.  Look for SOLUTIONS, not PROBLEMS!

78.  Your attitude determines your destiny!

79.  Be speedy, be fast!

80.  Go the extra mile!

81.  Prioritizes!

82.  Rely on no one but only on Yourself!

83.  Be PASSIONATE about everything and everyone in your life!

84.  ‘Own’ Your Personal Power!

85.   Do not EVER judge anyone!

86.  You are the Creator of your Life!

87.  Tomorrow may never come. Accommodate yourself and act accordingly!

88.  There is no such a thing as a stupid question! Said again, see? Feel free to ask!!

89.  Built a time cushion. Every time!

90.  There is no place like home. Wherever it is!
91. Practice makes Perfect!

92.  And still more counting and coming…. 

*    Ask for an explanation!

Bring on another 30! And another! And another! And another!! And some more still!!! Seriously.

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