Friday, 2 June 2017

I promise....

I promise....

I promise to always be true to myself.
I promise to treat others with respect.
I promise to always do my best.
I promise to look after and take care of myself.
I promise to give and to receive.
I promise to treat my body like a temple and eat only healthy food.
I promise to treat my body like a temple and drink only healthy drinks.
I promise to learn for the rest of my life.
I promise to listen to music as much and as often as I can.
I promise to read books and poetry as much and as often as I can.
I promise to help others in need.
I promise to find my passion and pursue it.
I promise to teach children and set an example for them to follow.
I promise to behave in a way that I would never feel sorry about and ashamed of.
I promise to not talk until it is necessary, or asked to.
I promise to provide love, attention, kindness, patience.
I promise to do as much as I can for the stray dogs, cats, etc.
I promise to be open-minded, respectful, tolerant.
I promise to have great communications skills with parents, at work, etc.
I promise to protect the nature and the environment.
I promise to protect the wildlife.
I promise to make a word a better place by being and living here.
I promise to touch with the words, without any physical touch.
I promise to acknowledge anything that needs to be acknowledged.
I promise to explore the world and never stop exploring, travelling and learning.
I promise to learning any art, the dance, the writing, the language, etc.
I promise to never stop questioning and asking the questions!
I promise to enjoying my life to the full and never put myself second!
I promise to keep my word or words, if that is all that it takes!
I promise to be friendly and kind whenever and with whoever possible.
I promise to be generous with all resources I have in my hands and within the reach!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

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