Sunday, 14 May 2017

Speaking out loud!

Speaking out loud!

Imagine this, if you will:

you have a lot of things on your mind, as I am sure you have. And you have the option to speak out loud about these very things. Without any judgements, without any criticism, without anything or anyone that would stand in your way to do so!
You could go for it, or you could also stay silent, for good.
What would you do, what would you choose, which one would you go with and why?
Your time here is limited, as we all know. So, really, if not now, when, then?
If we do not take the necessary step, what else is there that we could do? What could replace that? And what would replace that if we did not take the chance, if we did not move forward, if we did not take that necessary step, and if we did not take an action by being proactive, rather than reactive?!
How long are we still going to wait until 'someone else' did the asking part, did the moving on bit, etc.?
In a relationship, as a couple, are you the one taking the lead or would you describe yourself more as a follower? Would you like to change it? Does that mean a lot to you? Are you happy with the current situation?
If we see some unfairness in our life or in a life of our close ones and loved ones, would we just stay there, with our voices stuck inside us, or would we make a move and speak out our minds?
Children who suffer at school in silence, or even at home, how could we help them speak out about what is going on there, at school, at homes, with parents, with friends, with teachers, with their lives, in general? How can we show them by an example, the best and the easiest way to do so?
The carrot and the stick principle should be maybe applied here.
Are you more driven by sweet things, or would you be the tougher one who needs a stick to draw out the motivation out of you?
Do you believe in signs? So, here is one for you: now!
Will you do it now, or later on today, or just tomorrow?
Would you read up something on the subject before?
Would you share and/or ask someone for a help, a piece of advice?
I hope something is going to change for you today, in a nice way, in a nicely surprising way that would make your heart sing and skip a beat or two!
Something that make you realize it is worth it after all, after all that you have been through, and even more!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

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