Monday, 29 May 2017

believe more & harder in what you believe in!

believe more & harder in what you believe in!

Believe because you can!
Believe because you want to!
Believe as if it was all that you have got!
Believe as if there was no other way to be!
Believe as hard as you can as if it was your very last day to live on the earth!

I believe 'Believing' is very important. For many reasons, obviously.
To have a reason to wake up to every single each day.
To have a task to do on that very day.
To know where to go, who to talk to, and about what to talk to.
To teach by an example and to let be learnt about and taught by watching and observing others.

Believing in better tomorrows.
To do things that have a 'believing nature' deep down inside of them...
To plant a garden.
To start a family.
To build a house.
To buy a car.
To buy a bicycle.
To start on the book.

Your mind will always believe in what you feed it with.
Feed it with love.
Feed it with creativity.
Feed it with compassion.
Feed it with curiosity.
Feed it with laughter and smiles.
Feed it with kindness.
Feed it with patience.
Feed it with art.
Feed it with nature.
Feed it with all the little things that make your life worthwhile!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Dignity /Integrity.

Dignity. Integrity.

Dignity, that is.
Your own dignity.
That is, your very own dignity.

In the crown full of people, we always have a choice how to behave there and how well to respond there to anything or to anybody.
Act, be reactive or be proactive?
Your karma.
Actions speak louder than words.

At the end of the life, would you like to feel and be happy or right?

When there is an obstacle in front of your face on your road, are you going to face it, are you ready for it, are you open to being open to the ones closest to you?

Or are you going to hide? Hide your person? Hide your personality? Hide your agenda? Hide your integrity? Hide your intentions? Hide your passions? And not be true to yourself?

Showing your very own integrity in the best light, ever, no matter what! And being an example to those around you!

Being not honest is not an option.
Being not faithful is not an option.
Being mean is not an option.
Being unkind is not an option.
Being not loyal is not an option.
Being a player is not an option.
Being loving and gentle and open is always an option.
Being understanding, tolerant, respectful is always an option.
Being fun and curious and joyful is always an option.

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Friday, 26 May 2017

First this, above all else.

First this, above all else.

Becoming friends first, and the lovers will follow nicely later on.
To open up to somebody first mentally, and then physically.
To trust them and to be trusted back in return.
To become slowly vulnerable in the most beautiful way.
To feel the touch and to be touched and to touch the other loving being.

Although, some may disagree. And I totally agree with that, and fully understand. Some may jump into bed first and develop a very strong bond and a relationship that lasts a lifetime.

Tolerance, respected and understanding. First friends, then lovers.

First health, above all else.

First confidence, then going after all you have desired, above all else.

First connection, then openness, above all else.

First whatever comes to your mind and feels just about right, above all else.
And I could go on.

First sweet kisses with someone who really knows you well and vice versa, above all else.

First a few gentle hugs and laughs with the one who you know real very well, above all else.

First learning about each other and appreciating the differences and more, above all else.

First sharing and caring and loving and being there and present for the one, above all else.

Making children, or making music, or making art, or making poetry of some, above all else.

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

A real talk.

A real talk.

Let us have a real talk. About this and about that. A talk that will lead us to somewhere, to the place where we have never, ever, been before!
Anything that can be said and talked about, anything we have ever spoken to and about, anybody.

Any issue that can be discussed.
Any question that can be answered.
Anything that just comes on your mind.
Anything that just pops up in your head.

Do you have any question?
Do you have any issue to be dealt with?
Do you have any topic to be considered?
Do you have any query to be dug deep down and into?

Any situation that has been lingering for way too long in and on your mind and head.

Any thing
has to


Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Sunday, 21 May 2017

the Magic.

the Magic.

The magic moment.
The magical song.
The magical poem.
The magical book.
The magical person.
The magic after magic as long as you are looking for it/them.
The magics in all those places we may have gone to or been to or go to now!
The magical / a magic love for all those who still truly and madly believe in love.
The big magic. The next big magical thing.

What could be so magical you just have to put your hands on?
What could be so magical you just cannot keep your hands off of?

Magical, in any sense, is what means 'magical' to the person. And to the next person, too!
Magical, in any sense, is what 'magical' represents to the person. And to the next person, too!

When we have been through ups and downs of life, can we make it even more magical, when things seem to go all wrong? Can we make it more loving for ourselves? Can we pamper ourselves just a little bit longer than at usual times?

Sprinkle a bit of magic wherever we go.
Sprinkle a bit of magic on whatever we say.
Sprinkle a bit of magic on any person we are going to meet.
Sprinkle a bit of magic on anything we are going to touch.
Sprinkle a bit of magic on anything we are going to create.
Sprinkle a bit of magic on anything we are going to do with all that we have got.

Since there is no strength inside of me right now, since there is no power inside of myself right now, since there is no energy left inside of my person right now, and since I am feeling so weak right now, the only thing to do for me right now is to... live out a little bit of a magic, right now, and right here!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!

Saturday, 20 May 2017

The things we can/can't change.

The things we can/can't change.

With no doubt at all..

there are things we can change.
There are things we can't change.
There are things we have certain control over.
There are things we have no control over.
There are things we can have an influence on.
There are things we can have no influence on, at all.
And then, sometimes, there are things we can't change that end up changing us.
Or are there any things we can change that end up changing us, in/at the end?

How do we know?
How can we tell?
How can we notice?
How can we recognize?
How can we differentiate?
How can we learn?
How can we teach?
How can we ask?

The question is, are we strong enough to change all and everything that we are capable of changing, making a difference with, having an influence on, take the right action on, make the right decision about and with?

Are we able to see and recognize all that can and should or even must be changed? Or is this going to hold us back? Are we going to live out our life no matter what is happening around us, no matter what the other circumstances are, those that we have no real influence on?

When can we start? Where can we start? With whom can we start? How can we start? Even the little step, taken a bit by bit, a step by step, a move by move can make a huge difference in your life or in the life of your closest to you..

Are you ready to go ahead?
Are you ready to get started?

Thank you very much for reading and your time!!!

Friday, 19 May 2017

The sooner, the better!!

The sooner, the better!!

The sooner we say something, the better off we would be.
The sooner we do something, the better off we would be.
The sooner we take any action, the better off we would be.
The sooner we admit to anything, the better off we would be.
The sooner we learn, the better off we would be.
The sooner we get mature, the better off we would be.
The sooner we get smarter, the better off we would be.
The sooner we get experienced, the better off we would be.
The sooner we get honest, the better off we would be.
The sooner we get authentic, the better off we would be.
The sooner we open up, the better off we would be.
The sooner we get curious, the better off we would be.
The sooner we start asking questions, the better off we would be.
The sooner we tell the truth, the better off we would be.
The sooner we get to know ourselves, the better off we would be.
The sooner we find the right person, the better off we would be.
The sooner we move in/out, the better off we would be.
The sooner we fall in love, the better off we would be.
The sooner we fall out of love, the better off we would be.
The sooner we begin healthy eating, the better off we would be.
The sooner we recognize the picture, the better off we would be.
The sooner we start a real thinking, the better off we would be.
The sooner we start creating, the better off we would be.
The sooner we begin making love, the better off we would be.
The sooner we start singing, the better off we would be.
The sooner we see things in the right light, the better off we would be.
The sooner we start cleaning up, the better off we would be.
The sooner we teach the children about life, the better off they would be.
The sooner we go to bed, the better off we would be.
The sooner we talk openly and fair, the better off we would be.
The sooner we do and say good, the better off we would be.
The sooner we start to laugh, the better off we would be.
The sooner we do this or that, the better off we would be!..

Or is that really it?!?

Spending time w/ people vs alone.

Spending time w/ people vs alone.

We have all been there and done that: the time spent totally alone and then the time spent in a company of other people.
Sometimes, we have just enough time to spend with others, in order to realize how much time we actually need for ourselves, to spend and to be alone.
After some time, we can have a great time, we can talk about many things, we can even share things with others, and then, come back to our place, to ourselves, regain back the energy and then go out there again, and all over again.
Even a day spent by not talking at all. This silence. Just with ourselves. Just with the thoughts. Just with the emotions. Just with the feelings.

How much is that really important?
How much is that really significant?
How much is that really needed?
How much is that really wanted?
How much that can actually give us back in return?
How much can you actually gain by this and what, exactly?

What kind of a person are you?
Would you rather prefer being on your own or with the company of others?
Would you rather be in the centre of the room and chatting around, endlessly?
Or would you rather prefer staying in, at home, reading, or writing, or meditating, or exercising, or doing anything that soothes your soul in the best way?
How much time do you actually need between the period spent with others and then the company of your own?

How would you know?

How do you feel after a period of being in the crowd, full of people?
And how do you feel after a day on your own?
What would be the drawbacks and what would be the advantages?
Would you describe yourself as an introverted kind of a person?
Or would you describe yourself as an extroverted type of a person?
What gives you your energy and what drains an energy out of you?
Try it for yourself. Try both way for yourself. And then see. And then decide.

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Rules to loving and being loved!

Rules to loving and being loved!

I would definitely say that the rules can be applied to anything and to anybody.

To trust.
To never sleep over the argument, unless we want to sleep over it for a better decision making.
To give and receive endlessly.
To be present.
To be passionate.
To talk openly.
To be honest & frank.
To care, for ever and ever.
To love, unconditionally.
To learn from each other.
To share things and all with one another.
To be engaged.
To be entertaining.
To be curious.
To be fun to be around and with!
To be playful.
To be smart, clever, witty!
To be caring.
To be loving. If that is repeated, that is only because of the importance of it!
To be courageous, for both of them, in times of need, for one and for the other.
To be open-minded whatever comes your way!
To be supportive.
To be there, no matter what. With the listening ear, and a helping hand.
To be a friend, a lover, a husband or a wife, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a buddy.
To care for something, to grow something together.
To light up the day!
To make the other person even better about themselves!
To make them think and make them think differently!
And make up some more, as you go along!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Speaking out loud!

Speaking out loud!

Imagine this, if you will:

you have a lot of things on your mind, as I am sure you have. And you have the option to speak out loud about these very things. Without any judgements, without any criticism, without anything or anyone that would stand in your way to do so!
You could go for it, or you could also stay silent, for good.
What would you do, what would you choose, which one would you go with and why?
Your time here is limited, as we all know. So, really, if not now, when, then?
If we do not take the necessary step, what else is there that we could do? What could replace that? And what would replace that if we did not take the chance, if we did not move forward, if we did not take that necessary step, and if we did not take an action by being proactive, rather than reactive?!
How long are we still going to wait until 'someone else' did the asking part, did the moving on bit, etc.?
In a relationship, as a couple, are you the one taking the lead or would you describe yourself more as a follower? Would you like to change it? Does that mean a lot to you? Are you happy with the current situation?
If we see some unfairness in our life or in a life of our close ones and loved ones, would we just stay there, with our voices stuck inside us, or would we make a move and speak out our minds?
Children who suffer at school in silence, or even at home, how could we help them speak out about what is going on there, at school, at homes, with parents, with friends, with teachers, with their lives, in general? How can we show them by an example, the best and the easiest way to do so?
The carrot and the stick principle should be maybe applied here.
Are you more driven by sweet things, or would you be the tougher one who needs a stick to draw out the motivation out of you?
Do you believe in signs? So, here is one for you: now!
Will you do it now, or later on today, or just tomorrow?
Would you read up something on the subject before?
Would you share and/or ask someone for a help, a piece of advice?
I hope something is going to change for you today, in a nice way, in a nicely surprising way that would make your heart sing and skip a beat or two!
Something that make you realize it is worth it after all, after all that you have been through, and even more!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

Saturday, 13 May 2017

for better and worse.

for better and worse.

Anything can come in the way, yet, it will not matter, at all!
The strongest one of the couple, who will hold the other one.
Ups and downs in any and every way.
Holding hands when needed.
Giving hugs when needed.
Sharing kisses when needed.
Provide an advice when needed.
Giving a helping hand when needed.
Being there for this person when needed.
And all this above and even more is with no restrictions tight to it.

And besides all of this, of course, sharing even the things that do not have a good meaning attached to them.
Caring till the very end, because there is and we do not even know any other way, than that.
Any type of relationships this could actually represent: a family, friendships, a romantic one, work related, siblings, collaborative buddy, a mate, a soul mate, a very close friend, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, etc.
Those people can trust each other.
Those people can rely on one another.
Those people feel as if willing to do everything for the other person.

Perhaps we do not have enough experiences in this field.
Perhaps we still need to practice more, and then even some more.
Perhaps if we just stop thinking to much, and begin doing more doing, actually.
Is there a person out there for whom you would be willing to go further like never before?
Have you told them lately? So, do they know about the way you feel?
Is there any person out there who would be willing to go further like never before for you?
Have you thanked them lately for this best of the best gifts in the world?
Do they know you have noticed that?

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

A closed vs. Open book

A closed vs. Open book


Who would you be? And why?
Has it changes slightly, from a day to day? Or a week to week? Or a month to month? Or a year to year?
How do you appear to seem to other people, and, most importantly, how do you appear to yourself?
Who would you let in, into your world? And why would you let this very person to let and explore your world?
What chapters would you let them read to you, or for themselves, and why?
What chapters would you NOT let them read to you, or for themselves, and why?
What chapters would you let them read to you NEXT, or for themselves, and why?

Would it be really all that necessary to share all of your secrets? Which ones, if any, should we keep to ourselves and then share the rest with the one, or with the others?

And, also, sometimes, we may be the only ones, the only people standing in a way of our very own happiness! Why is that, we ask? Do we not know the better way? Do we not know how to deal with this or that? And if not, why not?

Have we still been waiting for a sign? Could this be it, after all? How would we know it this or that is the sign we have been waiting for for so long?

Maybe the only way to all this, to close the circle, to make any sense of this all is to actually realize that we must and we have to make sure we are happy and satisfied with anything that is or that is not currently happening in our close proximity, at that exact moment.
Things may never seem to be that perfect as we wish! What sad way that would be to live a life where the laughter does not exist. Enjoying the right this very moment, the right this very song, the right this very person, right this very meal and drink, etc.

Or is there any other way, around it!! I am not quite sure... I doubt it.

Thank you for reading and your time!!!