Sunday, 30 April 2017

how much secret should we keep?

how much secret should we keep?

I have always ponder over this very question?
How much secret should we actually keep to ourselves and then how much secrets should we be willingly sharing with others?
I could not help but wonder, do you have and/or keep any secrets, at all? What are they? Would you be willing to tell others about them? If so, how would you start? If not, why not, then?
Would you like and rather to keep them to yourself?
Where is the line between telling the secret and not telling one?
Who might be the lucky person who can hear them from ours?
Have you ever shared a secret and then regret the telling right afterwards?
Or are you just about to tell the secret to somebody, about something really and very special to you?
Would you be really real about that? In your eyes, how real can you actually be?
What is your opinion? To tell the secret or to keep it a secret?
Have you been through the similar experience?
Anything that turned out bad?
Or would you like to be that kind of a person who has no secrets at all? What sort of secrets would you hide from certain people? What people? What secrets?
What do you think in your very own opinion, to go with the secrets widely spoken about or to have them hidden in the very back of the drawer?
Is it okay in the relationships of any kind to have and to keep the secrets to yourself? All of them, or just some? How do you think the other person may feel about this?

It may be said that we are the only human being who will ever know us the best. No matter what we may say or tell to the other person. Maybe nobody can ever be with us 24 hours a day for all the years of our life till the end. Or am I wrong?

I would be wondering how the both ways may work, for good, for better, for worse? What could be the best way to go about this, or is there a way at all? Anything that quite possibly work for all? Or just for some? Still wondering and really curious to know..
May we all find the way that works for us the best. Secrets or no secrets at all. Face it on our own, or with the secrets properly hidden or widely shown to the word...

Thank you for reading and your time!!

Take a Tour of your life

Take a Tour of your life

We should definitely take a tour of our life. From time to time, at least.
To have an idea about how we are doing.
To know what else needs to be done or said.
To experience the real feeling of what could happen if we did not say or do what we are supposed to say or do.
To notice all the little things.
To learn about ourselves in the best way there is!
And to know what in order to live our best life yet still must and is required of us.
What is our must!?
To know what we expect from ourselves?!
To have an knowledge!
To have an idea of where we are heading.
And more.... you can think of and about!

To take time to consider and reconsider, in every aspects of our life – personally, intimately, job-wise, emotionally, financially, physically, romantically (love), how you feel about yourself, what the next step in your life should be, not taking things way too seriously, spending your time wisely, family, career, health and wellbeing, recreational, friendship, community, household, spiritual.

How else could be really learn about and know the real truth? The steps in order to improve, the lessons we still need to learn?

To take a look at our life is a big milestone. Taking into consideration the fact that we are at the knowing of our life, of the parts in our life that need some work to be done on.

Have you done this recently? What are the advantages? What are the drawbacks, the disadvantages of this, if at all?

Has anyone in your close proximity done that? What are their views on this? What is their opinions? And what have they taken out of this?
I hope we can find all the resolutions to anything that we may have, and the right solutions will pop up soon, for us!

Thank you very much for reading and your time!!

Friday, 28 April 2017

Mutual connection.

Mutual connection.

It takes a time to get to know a person very well. Really well. We may be still at that stage and then something happens and we are at the beginning, again, all over again.
It takes a different time for every single one and each person!
For some, it can never even happen! Can you imagine this,at all? Living on your own, by yourself? How come that some people can live with others with no problem at all? Or is it just an illusion?
Can we make a picture to ourselves of the way how it should be, in our very own eyes? And can we even get a few people involved in our process? What do you think, it is even possible? How would the people feel? Would some prefer it and the rest not so much?
Have you tried that before? Should we try that if not already? Where to start and with whom? And when to do that? Now, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?
Is there a way to do it even more beautifully? More lovingly? More caringly? How can we treat the right person well and be treated well in return?
The feeling and the experience of meeting the soul mate, the person who can stimulate you in every way imaginable and even unimaginable and you would do the same.
The mind.
The body.
The spirit.
The soul.
The heart.
All connected together and all connected to the very same person. The satisfaction that this person is giving you and the satisfaction you are giving to this person.
After some time, you can even tell what this person is thinking about or is just about to think about, and vice versa.
When you can read their mind, help them when needed the most and give them time and space when required the most, as well.
When we truly know we have found the one we want to spend the rest of our life with.
How do we actually know? Is that a feeling that we have that can tell us so? Or is that something else? Do we get the signs? Any flags, either of a red colour or any other colour? Who can actually tell?
It is us. We are the only ones who can tell.. others may point us into the directions that we may or may not take, at the end.

Thank you for reading and your time!!

Sunday, 23 April 2017

My personal window to the soul

My personal window to the soul

My personal journal.
My personal journey.
My personal door/window.

Who are we going to let in?
Who are we going to let see all the parts of us that might not be so nice?
Who are we going to let see all the parts of us that might not be so tempting?

Each of us has no idea whatsoever how long we are still going to be here.
How many days? How many weeks? How many months? How many years?
All that I have learned so far. All my mistakes. All my experiences. All my decisions. All my ideas. All my lessons. All my opportunities. All my joys. And all my sorrows. All my dreams. All my passions. All my imaginations. Almost, if not entirely everything and anything and all.

And what about our secrets? Are we going to share them with others or are we going to make sure they remain secrets of yours for a long time to come?
My other way of learning about myself, my understanding of my journey, my purpose of being here, of people around me, of circumstances and situations I find myself in, of surroundings close by and near to me.

Of all the love stories that are and always will be part of me, deeply seated in my heart and soul. The collaboration. The works of arts. Deep, true, vivid, full.
Where would I have been without my personal journey? Without my blog? Without my posts? Without my articles? Without the means of getting myself around? Being heard and understood? Making sure this is going to carry on and on, lasting very long, ever, till the end!
What and how about you? How do you let your steam off? How do you unwind? How do you relax? What do you do in order for you to feel just a little bit calmer? More of you? A better version of yourself? A better you, a better person?
Things may turn around in a split of a second. Turn the way around in a good way, or, on the other hand, to not such a good way. Our dreams can be shattered immediately if we do not pay enough attention, and, even if we do, take can move us into the direction we would not like to be! And what then?Who to ask for help? Where to go for a help? What do to next, what would be the next best thing? Put things down on a piece of paper? Talk it over with someone? Talk it over with ourselves on a paper? What works for you the best?

Thank you for your time reading this!!!

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Make it happen....

Make it happen....

The things that have been on our mind.
The things that keep us up at night.
The things that get us up and going every time.
The things we have been striving for every single each day.

Make things happen in the best way. Make your dreams come true. Life is so very short, what do we know about tomorrow? What is going to happen? Who are we going to meet? What are we going to say? What are we going to do? Where are we going to go? Repeat the questions if necessary until it is understood and until it is done.

Make the first step if needs to be. Make the first move. Make the first speech. Make the first appointment. Do the first work. Do, take action, do and take anything that it might take in order to live the life of your dreams, and so it should be!

If not today, when, then? What needs to be done? What needs to be said? What needs to be talked about? What needs to be talked over?

In our life there are moments and occasions that we just have to step back, think, consider or reconsider and take the best possible step we can think of at that time.

When we meet certain people that make us think of other ways, open our eyes in the way that we may not have even thought of otherwise.

If we do not make a decision, we can never get there. The decision is the milestone, it is the way how to move out from quite possibly secure and familiar and safe position to an uncomfort state of being and doing and thinking and breathing.

No need for explanation.
No need for learning something in advance.
No need for being perfect.
No need (yet) for looking for solutions.

Thank you for sharing and your time!!!

Friday, 21 April 2017



Speak openly.
Be authentic.
Be honest.
Be yourself.
Give and receive.
Ask and help.
Apologize if necessary and needs to be.
Be caring, loving, compassionate.
Be passionate.

When there is a problem, there should always be a solution somewhere nearby. How much energy can we put on solving an issue, any issue for that matter? Can we spend hours and hours just talking about this? Only words and words again, and not followed by any action at all? Would be rather spend time on solving the problem while it is still small and minor, looking and searching for solutions, for the ways that would make it easier for us and for those around us?

Can you recall the occasion, the moment, the situation, the incident that turned everything upside down for you? And yet, you were able at that time to find a suitable solution to your current problem? What did you do? How did you do this? How did you go about this? Did you need to research something in advance? Did you ask for a help? Were you looking for like-minded people?

What could be the best solution to a broken heart?
What could be the best solution to a homeless person?
What could be the best solution to a single mother?
What could be the best solution to a cancer patient?
What could be the best solution to a jobless person?
What could be the best solution to a crying child/baby?
What could be the best solution to a pregnant woman?
What could be the best solution to a childless parents?
What could be the best solution to a sterile man?
What could be the best solution to you?

Thank you for reading and your time!!

Monday, 17 April 2017

The desire.

The desire.

The desire.
The cravings.
The attitude.
The passion.
The idea.
The ritual.
The habit.
The thought.
The feeling.
The mood.
The way.
The ache.
The push.

There may be a lot of things that push us the right way. And there also may be plenty of reasons for us to go after them and accomplish them in the best way there is!

There are ways we can reach out our goals with. Do I know and have all the answers? No way! I am so much learning every single and each day. I still have so much to learn!

A carrot or a stick – what works the best for us? Is there a person that pushes the right buttons for you? Somebody who makes you a better person? Someone who makes you be more proactive, rather than reactive? One who understands you, you makes you feel and laugh and smile at yourself? That one who has always been there for you? One who you can open up totally and trust?

How do you work? Would you need to be reminded of what needs to be done? Do you need one that keeps telling you nice and kind words? Give a stroke or two?

What keeps you growing up? What or who makes you bigger, stronger, smarter, wiser, more passionate, more loving, more caring, more authentic, more like being yourself??

Thank you for your time reading!!! 

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Secret window... (of/to the soul)

Secret window...
(of/to the soul)

The eye.
The heart.
The mind.
The soul.
The window.

Would there be something and/or anything that has been hidden from and/or from others?
Something or anything that you have been trying to hide from the people?
Would there be something and/or anything that has been a long-life secret of yours?
Something or anything that is still shaping itself before its showing to the world?

Any side of you that was never shown, never talked about, never seen, never heard about to the closest ones to you?

There must be things that we are going to take it with us to the grave, like it or not! Some things that we are only willing to share with the ones we love the most and we truly and really and deeply trust in.
Who is going be the one? Who is the one that we can feel totally open to open up to?
Who is going to be that caring and loving?
Who is going to be that trustworthy?
Who is going to be that one person for us, no matter what?
Who is going to put us first, no matter what?
Whose actions would speak louder than the words?
Who is going to be there for us, day in and day out?
Who is going to understand us and feel for us and with us?
Who is going to be patient enough with us, with no need for explanations?
Who is going to see through our broken pieces and still find the 'perfect' person in us?
I hope this person is out there....

Thank you for reading and for your time!!

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

When all that is left is... myself!

When all that is left is... myself!

Like it or not, we are here alone. At the beginning, pretty much for the most part of the process and the journey and at the end, too, there is no change, and no exception for anybody!

At every moment, at every time of a day, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, at noon, at midnight. The final decision is up to us, as long as we live in a country that lets us have it! We should call ourselves happy, truly and really!

We can learn a lot. We can always learn if only we are willing to do so! We can give and we can take!

We can rely on nobody but ourselves. For better and for worse, as well.
We can blame nobody but ourselves.

We can ask and we can also answer.
We can cry and we can also be happy and smile.
We can stay up late or we can have an early night.

We can help and we can let ourselves be helped.
We can apologize or we can stay quiet. Totally up to us.

All in all, we have one real person to talk to – ourselves.
All in all, we have one real person we really need to get to know very well – ourselves.
There is only one person who is looking right back at us in the mirror – ourselves.
What reflection would we like to see?
What reflection would we love to have reflected back at us, and why??

Thank you very much for your time and reading!!!!

Saturday, 8 April 2017

The sound of the bells' ringing...

The sound of the bells' ringing...

The sound of anything that you find fascinating.
The sound of the cat's purring.
The sound and the smell of spring, summer, autumn, winter.
The sound of opening a bag of something real delicious and very tasty.
The sound of the water bubbling.
The sound of the water splashing.
The sound of the birds singing.
The sound of the fish swimming.
The sound of a shower.
The sound of children's laughter.
The sound of the heart's beating of a loved one, for you and to you.
The sound of a snow crunching underneath the footsteps.
The sound of bells ringing, in the church, right at your windows.
The sound of music you love and adore and cannot live without.
The sound of trees swishing in the air by the wind.
The sound of anything that fancies your ears and is after your very own heart.

What does make you soothe? What sound?
What does make you calm down? What sound?
What does make your relax? What sound?
What does make you chill? What sound?
What does make you unwind? What sound?

Our senses are very powerful indeed.
It can provide us with the medicine that is priceless.
The smell, the touch, the sound, the taste, the sight. All in all.

We are here to enjoy them all with all our might. Will all that we can muster. All that we have been given and provided with. All to our advantages, all to our very own personal healing.

Let us be able to absorb all this and even more! Let us soak ourselves in them, to the very brim, to pamper ourselves in the best ways there are, here!

Thank you very much for reading and your time!!!

Friday, 7 April 2017

The reasons...

The reasons...

The reasons for being here.
The reasons for staying.
The reasons for leaving.
The reasons for waking up each and every day.
The reasons for staying and keeping healthy.
The reasons for having an arguments.
The reasons for being who we are.
The reasons for saying and being sorry.
The reasons for eating and drinking all that we love.
The reasons for having children.
The reasons for falling in love.
The reasons for falling out of love.
The reasons for getting married.
The reasons for ever giving up.
The reasons for playing that song.
The reasons for writing poetry.
The reasons for travelling.
The reasons for getting high.
The reasons for getting experiences.
The reasons for contributing.
The reasons for collaborating.
The reasons for sending a message.
The reasons for giving a call.
The reasons for putting ideas and thoughts in a blog post.
The reasons for being single.
The reasons for answering your questions.
The reasons for creating a project.
The reasons for sending an email.
The reasons for having reasons in the first place, at all.
The reasons for cleaning your cluttered work and home space.
The reasons for being happy at every moment.
The reasons for being the best version of yourself.
The reasons for staying in, for not giving up and not walking away!

Thank you for reading and your time!!

Thursday, 6 April 2017

What do I (you) want?? Always be close to where the music is playing....

What do I (you) want??
Always be close to where the music is playing....

I want a shield. Someone I can totally trust and believe in, and open up to!
I want a baby, or two!
I want a brand new house, built with my own hands.
I want a family-friendly car!
I want to grow and keep a healthy looking garden!
I want a pet to look after and take care of!
I want real, real friends to be surrounded with!
I want a meaning in my life!
I want to sponsor a cause I believe in or/and a charity with the right reasons!
I want somebody I can feel save with and around!
I want to swim with dolphins!
I want to always be close to where the music is playing!....
I want meaningful, interesting conversations and an exchange of opinions and views!
I want a healthy air for everyone!
I want a healthy and clean water for everyone to drink!
I want all animals to feel free and save around us and with our company!
I want all children to have a real childhood in the best sense there is!!
I want all adults to be able to learn from their mistakes.
I want couples to be happy in love!
I want to minimize all that is not necessary for all of us here on the planet(s)!
I want honesty, love, passion, laughter, happiness, healthy food, children, a pet, my own house, a quality amount of great music, nature, singing of the birds, etc.
I want to be able to write for as long as I could possibly write!
I want to help whenever I can!
I want people to do their work and jobs right, with no exceptions!
I want to always stay authentic for the best of it!
I want to always be able to speak up my mind! And for anyone involved!
And I want even more!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!