Saturday, 11 February 2017

oranges vs lemons

oranges vs lemons

This, lets say a metaphor, can be applied on anyone, and almost at every moment.

Some people can have more luck than others. Some people could be luckier than others. Is that fair at all? Can we do something, anything, about that? And if so, what could be done?

Some may try for babies with no luck, some may have babies that may be unwanted, in the first place. Hard work to go along with persistence and with a bit of a luck! That may be the key to having and leading a successful life.

Where to gain more strength to continue with living and carry on with our life? How not to go alone, if at all, possible? Where to look for and search for like-minded person and people?

What would be the moment that would change everything for you? How would you know, how would you recognize it? Who would be the person you would decide to open up freely? To spend the rest of your life with? To kiss each and every night before you go to sleep? Who is the one you are willing to spend the night with? To share your inner most feelings and emotions and secrets?

I have been quite a different person in the past from the person I am currently now. A lot of experiences have gone through me, good and not so good ones. The ones that break you open, to show you your inner soul, bleeding, crying for help, for a direction. To see inside your mind, to discover your beautiful heart, and your whole being. These ones, experiences, lessons and more are not those of kind that would put a smile on your face! Not at all!! So, how can we use them to our advantage? How can we turn them around and learn from them, and possibly, teach others about the lessons we have taken away with us from them! And then the good ones, the ones that make our heart do a happy dance, skip a beat and just enjoy the moments while they last! Would concentrating on them help, give us a glimpse of a confidence, a bit of hope, anything?
I would love to hear your opinion on this! What do you think that might help? Any ideas?
I am still hoping and waiting and going after what my heart and soul desire.. but for how long? How long can I do this for?
At the moment, I have no idea.

Thank you for reading!!

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