Friday, 18 November 2016

Let's make this a day to remember!!

Let's make this a day to remember!!

Let's make it big & great!

Let's make it remarkable & memorable in every way imaginable and unimaginable!

Let's just simply do it.

Every day is unique and brings forward experiences and opportunities we have never encountered before. Every day is special. Every day is here for our taking. Every day is going to turn our just the way we make it!

When the day is nearly.. almost finished, and there are still a couple of hours left, so there is still a way to turn the day upside down, to have it turned to our advantage, to say things that have not been said, to do things that have not been done, yet! To turn things the way we wish for them to happen, to experience emotions and feel the feelings we want to and long for, for so long!

What would you say and do in order to make the day one of the most remarkable ones yet? One that you will remember for a long time afterwards? What is still there undone and unsaid? Who would you talk to and why? What would be the next thing you would touch? The next thing you would do? Would you need somebody's help, if at all? When we can still make a difference in someone's life? When we can feed a hungry animal, when we can stroke ill person's face. When we can make love with the one we love and adore, when we still have a chance and were giving the opportunity to speak up our feelings towards them? Because there is never too late for the words that can be heard, there are still out there on your mind, in the heart, in the air, ready to be listened to!

Just to step out of our comfort zone, of the space that we know way too much, way to well, all feels so familiar. To take a step up and to take a deep breath in the fresh air and trust. Never doubt if involved ourselves. To give another chance, to believe, to know all will fall into its place, at the end. To take a leap of faith.

What would be the worst that could happen? And what would be the best that could happen to you??

Thank you for reading, as always!

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