Sunday, 16 October 2016

Find a reason for every day...

Find a reason for every day...

How difficult and how hard is it to find a reason for every single each day to smile?

To find something, anything, that we can look forward to?

Even if the morning has not started yet, or it has started on not so good terms, and the day is ahead of you, the day that can have many surprises in it, some good, some may not be so good. And all you have to do is to get up, wash up and get on with the day.
For all the reasons, one of them is the main of them all, you are here and that is not a coincidence. There is a reason for your being there, at this time, at this moment, at this place, with this person and with those people around you. Why? What are you here to do? What are you here to say? Where are you going to go next?

Are you in your own world? Do you have your own mind? Would you let that special person in, let them see you in your best and in your worst? Admit what you do not have and admit what you do not know?

Find a reason to give a person a smile, a hug, a kiss, a gift, a message, a surprise, anything special at all!

To give a meal, to cook together, to create something unique!

Life is so, so short in so many ways, and for many ways. Perhaps for us to realize and think of the best ways how to enjoy it, how to make the best of every single and each day that has been given to us! To find and make sure we spent at least 5 minutes laughing out loud, just for no apparent reason, at all! To make and do something special for anyone who can never repay this back to us; to do a good thing for someone and not expecting anything back in return! If the day comes in and we have so many on our plates, is there anything we could do to make it just a little bit more bearable, just to enjoy it a little bit more here and there? Can we find something to laugh at, maybe even laugh at ourselves? Can we learn something every day, learn something about ourselves, learn to become a better person? Can we try and do a step more today, two more steps tomorrow and then even more the day after tomorrow?

I hope, I so hope! I am hoping that we will always be able to find a reason or two for going on, for going again and for going strong whatever is just happening in front of us, right, at the moment... 

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