Tuesday, 11 October 2016

B - word

B - word

Understandably, there is an endless list of words/things beginning with the letter 'B'.

Some that come to mind may be: bike, bio products, biopsy, bulimia, body, by-stander, binocular, bi-lingual, breast, breath, bread, butter, button, bollox, bottom, bucket, balls, blog, berries etc. etc.

To me, one of them would be a word 'Baby'.

Meaning, to have a child, to have a baby that is totally dependable on you in the most beautiful way. A baby who you can look after and take a very good care of! A baby that belongs to you and is yours. You have created a miracle that a human mind would not possibly be able to wrap their minds around! Even if there is no plan, this is definitely going to turn things upside down, in a way that can never be returned back to where it was in the first place!

I have always wanted to have a baby, with someone who wants to have it with me, who feels the same as me, who I can love and who can love me. And then, apparently, create a miracle of all miracles, called a baby. Nothing can be so perfectly imperfect as if we are still learning about it each and every day! The genes that cannot be someone else's than mine and yours! The eyes, the ears, the lips, the colour of the hair, the body posture, the mind, the character, the smiles, the laughter, the smarts,...

To have a nice, big family that is always surrounded by love and peace and help and leaps of laugh! The unity that is so complex yet family-friendly for the people involved! The union of the two people that was meant to happen! That special bond that only family members could understand about! And then, of course, comes the baby – the precious, little, sweet creature that is so unique and comes here with the purpose! The place, the home – where everyone feels at ease and save. The safe haven – for those who come and need some reassurance, some understanding, some tender + loving care, to build up some confidence and then go back out into the world!

The longing for creating and building something so beautiful and so huge that you can call yourself your very own! Something that will definitely has your name tag to go along with!

The condition that is a journey in itself, full of nice surprises and the lessons and all the tasks that are on this path sprinkled all over this.

I surely feel this being one of my reasons for being here, for returning something back, for making a contribution in this way, for making this world a better, more loving place.

The company that can never ever leave you and it is forever written in your blood!

That is undeniably priceless!!

Thank you!

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