Friday, 16 September 2016

Let's find a way to play together!!

Let's find a way to play together!!

We are so capable of making things happen and most importantly work out and work! Communication. This is the key!
Let's us really go and find the way when and where we can play with each other together.
Let's make it working out! Let's take the steps necessary for doing so and making so!
To be creative enough to find a way no matter what is happening around you.
For the day that is in it or for any day for that matter that is in it and things that are worth the time, the energy, the patience!
The way we can muse around, the way we can have fun with each other together! To enjoy the life, finally and everything that it has to offer! To be happy with one and all and everything in between! The way we can amaze one another and still laugh at ourselves and all the silly things! To miss each other so badly and so much, so madly be needed by one another!
To try again and just a little bit harder the next time because it is and we are worth it!
To find the meaning, to find the goal, to find the true happiness, to find the true enjoyment in this all and much, much more is there in front of us for the asking (and taking)!
May you feel this strong urge to do and to make things happen! That is beautiful, to be close and trust each other and be happy, smile and together!
To make the most of everything that is ahead of us, of the music, of the art, of the poetry, of the writing, of the nature, of the air, of the sounds, of the melodies, of the situations...

Please, please make this happen! Thank you!!

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