Friday, 25 March 2016

When our mind is quiet, our soul can speak

When our mind is quiet, our soul can speak

There is so much truth to that!

When we are so busy running around doing things that we think and feel that they are important, when we are working so hard and for such long hours, when we answer emails we seem to find so significant in and for our lives! When we are running errands here and there, when we would love to double our presence just in order to do more and more work! When, then, is the time to quiet our mind, to sit down, to walk and smell the roses, to taste, really taste our food and to really taste our drinks, really breathe deeply, really enjoy swimming, really count the stars, really be there and present for others, really love and enjoy and taste the love, really spend time with children, really play and laugh and run and jump and jog, and listen, really listen to people around you telling you something, not to look for how to reply, but listen to read between the lines. And then really enjoy and listen to music, the tunes, the songs, the vibes, the beats! Really be there this very minute, not think of the past and not think about the future, really be there this minute, those 60 seconds. When was the last time you have done such a thing, when you have done this very thing, when you have been really there and present for the moment that was in it? What did you do, with whom did you spend this time with? What music did you listen to? What food did you eat, if any? What drink did you drink, if any? What were you talking about, what was the subject? Were you happy, or were you sad? What were you thinking about, if you were thinking of something at all, I would believe so! We are having so many thoughts during the day, sadly, I am afraid, for the most part, they have been negative ones! But, what is there that we can do about this? We can fight, we can change this situation, because, yes, we can! Who can we ask for help? Who can go on and share in the journey with us? Who is there that you believe in? What is there that you believe in? When you have so many questions running through your head and you so desperately are seeking for the answers, what would be the best way to go about this? To sit quietly by the river stream, and go over your questions, or do you already feel in your soul, what the answer could be? Is there anything that you are afraid of and scared of, what is this and why is it the way it is? I recall very well our chatting about why you want to quiet your mind. Perhaps, take a meditation class, even yoga, if that does for you! When we are still, our mind can do wonders, can teach us things that only our soul can speak about. It may have answers to your most profound questions. It may reveal your inner secrets, only for you and remind you of the deep meaning of your life here! Yes, it can really do such miracles. Give it a try and see it for yourself! What is your should hiding and what has it been trying to tell you? It is said that if we cannot find a break of 10 minutes for ourselves, we should make sure it has been doubled! Yes, that is indeed so! Thank you for your time today and try this for yourself! :-)

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