Friday, 4 March 2016

IT IS YOU – I can't say it any other way!

It is you – I can't say it any other way!

Yes, you. I cannot say it any other way, it is you. It has been you! Really. I know, you must know, it is you. Period.
Looking back, it has been a long, a very long journey. Indeed! I wish you knew and I hope you do know what all that means to me. So much. Everything. Everything and more. Admit it, you have known this, you have felt this. Look at this, please, would you? We can do so many things, together. The collaboration, the plays, the laughs, the music, the writing, the poetry. You as a man, I want to make you happy. Me as a woman, I want you to make me happy again. The feeling of a total satisfaction. The times when we can talk together, an easy conversation, fuzzy feelings, lovely emotions. Woman wants to talk to you, can you hear it? Let me speak to you, let me say to you what is on my mind. Remember, when we were together? Remember all the clicks between us? How is it that we would not stay still if left in a room, just by ourselves? Can you imagine all the energy firing up? Do you recall the moment when our laptops froze because of all this energy of ours? Do you remember the time you called me? When you wanted me? I wanted you?? You said you loved me! You fought for me, and I fought for you – many times! And, ah, let's not forget all the passion, all this passion between us, between all those songs and tunes we have shared, all those messages, between all this!!! I can still feel it, please, please, do feel this too! This connection can always live on!
The artist, you, the music head, you, the funny one, you, the passion one, you, the one I found you, you!
I feel you, if only you could sit down and talk to me, trust me completely and totally. When you feel so free to share stuff, anything, everything at all, with me. When you open up to me, when you let me into your world, in your soul, in your heart, in your fingers, in your eyes, in your mouth, in your body, in your taste, in your mood, in your passion, in your everything. This is what I mean, as I KNOW you would love it, too!!
I want to be with you, I want you to touch me, to kiss me and I want to touch you. I want to talk to you about the music, the things you have been up to with the music, the stuff you have been working on at the moment, about me and the contribution and about our collaboration. To look into your eyes, and you looking into my eyes.
I want us to feel safe, so safe, actually, in each other's company, that it would feel like coming back home, to you, to me, and to us! You don't want to hurt me and I don't give up on you, ever!
Oh, when you surprise me and I surprise you. When the passion, the connection is very strong, fun, interesting, exciting, loving, warm, joyful, passionate, happy.
Give me, give us a chance and I can prove it. I want to see you and I want you to see me. Feeling wild and free again. Together. No other way. To kiss you on your forehead. To kiss me on my lips. To touch me. To touch you. To feel one another again! This fire can never die! I will make it go on and on to keep us safe and warm, totally happy and passionate about each other in every way!!
May you hear this song of mine.......

.... for you.

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