Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Being vulnerable & feeling vulnerability

Being vulnerable & feeling vulnerability

Have you ever been vulnerable?
Have you ever felt vulnerable and felt the real vulnerability of yours or of somebody close to you?
What do you think about this and what do you think about this?

This is so close to me and with every step, with every breath, with every experience of mine, I feel the deep and true importance of being vulnerable and feeling vulnerability at its best! The person is beautiful because this person let himself or herself feel, feel everything, feel the love, feel the sadness, feel the energy, feel the price of being vulnerable, feel the price of feeling vulnerability. I would recommend to everyone that they go and be vulnerable, to yourself, with yourself and to those they love and they care about. This experience totally and absolutely transform the whole person. The person before this act is a different one to the one before the act. The person has changed, for the better! Life can be hard sometimes, I am sure you would agree with me. This can make us harder, more strict with ourselves and with others. Do not let this happen to you. Let it make you softer and let it make you appreciate your life more! When you are being nobody but yourself, when you feel no need to compare yourself or your life to anybody else or to anybody else's. When you truly open up, you show all your weak points, you open up your wounds with a total knowledge that the person at the other end would not judge you, would not laugh at you, would not compare you! This person will take you as you are, no judgement, with all the flaws and warts and all! And you are going to be the same for this very person. The question is, who is this person for you? Where is she or he? Do you feel this person is going to be willing to open up to you the same way you have done to and for them? When you feel no shame about your insecurities, when you do not shy away from this subject, when you do not run away from being vulnerable and feeling the real sense of vulnerability! I have done this and I am open to and willing to do this again, and I have also the person I care about a lot, very much, do this to me and with me. It has felt absolutely wonderful, and I would say the person in question felt totally amazing afterwards. And I would be so keen on doing this with you again and again and all over again! So up for it, so willing, so obliging, so eager! We could have sessions of nothing but just this? Lovely! When you once told me that you hardly show somebody your unfinished stuff, it is rare, in your words, and I felt so privileged and so grateful and so honored, because of this thing! I appreciate this very much, indeed! We should all do this more often. It is almost clearing. The effect and the impact on our lives is enormous and the benefits priceless. Go and try for yourself and I am very much looking forward to any feedback and experiences you have had with this one. Please, share, comment, pass on the good stuff. Thank you for your presence and for your time you have spent reading. I shall be back again soon! Thank you. 

Monday, 28 March 2016



Memories. Some of those that belong to you. Some of yours. From the recent and not that recent past. It could even be a minute ago. Yes, this shall be your memory, too! All the lovely moments that one by one, connected and together, represent your life! Just by imagining your favourite person, the one who rocks your world and than recalling every and any memory you two share together. Beautiful, isn't it? There, of course, could be many types and kinds of memories, from photo and picture taken, a piece of art, a piece of music, a piece of poetry, a piece of anything that you both took a part in. Where are you right now at this moment? Are you able to share this memory with someone, with this special someone? How are you going to go about making your future memories? Are you going to do something differently? Perhaps even more pictures than up to now? Maybe going travelling even more, enjoying more attractions, more of this and more of that? And most importantly, what does every single memory bring back to you? What about the feelings, the vibes, the sensations, the emotions? Even the smell of a food, your favourite drink from your childhood can bring your right back to the moment when you drank that very drink, in an instant! Yes, that is the power of a simple memory! A powerful indeed that is! And it could be used in many ways, to bring you back in time to that favourite place with this special person of yours, even if you cannot be together right now. And that is really a magic in itself! And even so, when we get older we may appreciate those moments even more, cherish those bits of fleeting emotions and feelings a bit more than the last time! I am pretty sure you have done this before. You turned on some music, and then, hooray, you are right back in this moment, with this person, eating this type of food and drinking this kind of a drink. Sometimes, even the smell of something familiar can turn into a memory bank! It is said that we should always strive and try our best to make sure we make the most memories while we can, so that we can appreciate them, recall them later on, when needed! What sort of memories would you love to make? And what sort of memories would you love to have for your children? The technology goes at the highest peak ever and they are many ways we can use to keep our memories to be kept forever! When was your last time you were going back into your past? What was the reason? Did you like this or not so? And also, I would say the memories are made when we expect them to be made the least! When we have nothing at ready, when even the weather is against us, yet, we somehow manage to make the most loveliest, the most beautiful, the most liveliest of memories, and talking about them at the end of a long day! I feel I actually go back to my memories quite often, like, today, for example. By re-reading some stuff that I made some notes about! I felt as if my body was there present, let us say, 7 years ago. Nice, interesting and profound feeling, to say the least! Nevertheless, I thought about you, and again, I cannot say it any other way, it is you – it has always been. Please, know this! Thank you for reading, and I hope you have enjoyed this big day in history!!

Sunday, 27 March 2016



I cannot stress this enough how much I feel this topic to be of a strong importance. Our mind is directly connected to our body and vice versa, our body is directly connected to our mind, from the beginning of all ages. I am pretty sure you have experienced this first hand, with your own experiences, on your very own journey through life. It may start with a simple 'illness' and then go on to a very bad headache, etc. And then continue on to a mental problems. Or it may start with a stress at work, at home, with friends that will lead to an illness later on. As bad as it may sound or as simple as it may sound, this is how our bodies and minds work, hand in hand, in cooperation. Take care of your body and your mind will thank you. Take care of your mind and your body will thank you for this. I am pretty sure most of us have been experiencing this in one way or the other. It can start with the simple 'illness' and than leads to something more dangerous. This post has been writing the second time around as my laptop suddenly froze and it did not save my data. I could stress over this and most definitely bring myself to some kind of tension, something that I do not really need, no, thank you! I have fallen the victim of this. Sometimes we can be exposed to things that are not good for us for such a long time, without us even noticing this and then all of a sudden, something appears or happen to us, to our physical side and part and it is almost impossible to take it all back now. So what do we do in this moment? Are we going to regret things we have done, are we going to freak out, or what? When the stress level is so high, somewhere, something in our body has to respond to this. Where, why and how is in the question. But I would suppose it will not be holding a warning sign for us to see and to read. Prevention, taking care of our body as well as of our mind must be the key here. I will do my part, take a rest after some long and exhausting days and will get mentally and physically ready for tomorrow. The same I also wish for you. Strong body and good health. Because the health is the wealth. What could be there to help us with all this? Perhaps, a mediation, a yoga, some kind of exercises, a loving and understanding person right next to us, a good and healthy food, lots of water, happy thoughts, mental and physical stimulation, fresh air, positive vibration and vibes, books, music, friends, family. Healthy mind, the mind that is sharp in every age, the one that remembers datas, recalls precious moments is a gift in itself. No money could ever be able to pay and repay you for this. We can do puzzles, any word searches to keep our mind, and then body, in a perfect shape. I am wondering, what does it for you? Please, share! What keeps you healthy, happy and wise no matter what? Are there any people involved in the recipe? What do you do in the mornings, during the day, and in the evenings? This article could go on and on, plus with the part that was not saved, there would be even more, yet I promised to get ready for tomorrow, to lay down my sleepy body and my restless mind on the pillow and dream lots of sweet dreams. Thank you for your time and reading! 



This is a rocket science.
This is not a rocket science.
So, what do you think? So, what would you say about this?

We could think over and over this subject and what would be the solution? What would be the answer to our question? Are you the type of person who thinks hard and long enough in order to find a suitable way how to go about this all? Would you ask somebody for a help? If so, who would that be and why? Can we make things just a little bit easier, not that difficult at all? Why would we be making things more difficult than it is necessary? If we could just let go and relax and see things as easy as they really are. Yes, I do admit that not everything is as easy as a butter, yet for the most part, people have been the ones who are standing in their own way! If we could maybe just trust a little bit more, those around us, then maybe we would relax a little bit more and enjoy the life just a little bit more, too! Just try and apply and see how this would work for you! I am your friend, I am not your enemy. And I have always been like that, please, see this, feel this, know this! This is the truth as it can get, any truer is not even possible! I desire you to trust me, I want you to trust me, I need you to trust me. How can I prove this to you? What else can I do? We do already know this is not a rocket science. I promise to do my part and you can do your own part. We are not going to make a rocket science out of this if this is not absolutely needed! As soon as this is possible, things should get started and going on smoothly and nicely. I wish for all the people to make the best of everything that have on their mind, and they have been granted with. Not to make too much trouble about things that really do not matter but make sure they give their best of times and their best attention to people and things that really do matter, the ones that make up our life. Like the pieces of puzzle that put together make a beautiful whole picture! How can actions speak louder than words? What action can speak up nice and loud for you? What would work for you? A text message? A phone call? A song? An article? A meeting? And a personal connection? A personal touch? A personal hug? A personal message in a form of a letter? I would like that, so very much! To make sure you know this, you know what I feel, you know that I mean well and honestly. And to let each other know that we are not going to make a rocket science out of nothing at all! Because we are not going to make a rocket science, at all! Many things and stuff can represent a difficult task for us, for children it could mean this or that, and for the adults this or that. For women many things can mean problems and troubles as well as for the men. Older people, for example. Physical problems, psychological problems. Please, help me to be stronger in this area, please, help me, to be stronger for you, please, help me to be stronger for the people I care about and are important for me! Please, please, and pretty please again! I will be back! Thank you!

Saturday, 26 March 2016

How to go at one's own pace

How to go at one's own pace

There have never been quite the two just the same people. There have never been quite the two same people who feel the same, who have experienced just the same. And there will probably never be! The journey of all of us is different on every level. The emotions, the lessons, the paths and all that fill our days make us who we are and not all of us are on the same level. Some of us can deal and handle 20 tasks a day, let's say, and the person next to us can ''only'' deal with 10. Do you know such a person? Which group would you think you belong to? Perhaps, in the past time, when we were younger we could feel that we can handle everything, we can fight all the people and we can fight the world! We were not afraid of anything at all, maybe we did not even realize what was in a stake, what was in a game. And what about now? We have so many things on our mind that there is just not a place for anything, at all! Some people can deal with this world we are currently living in, some people can handle the pressure of a daily job, some people can go out every day till 4am, and some people just need a little bit of more sleep. Some people can handle the show business, the pressure or a press, of people asking any types of questions, and some people are more introverted than extroverted. This is just the way it is, this is how our world is spinning around. And, of course, some people are more outgoing and the others are more sensitive. Some people may need more time than others, some people may need more space than others and some need more of this or more of that than others. Who and what do you prefer? Who do you think are you in your very own words? I really do hope we are all understanding the importance of this. Not to judge anybody, not to put anyone in the same box, not to compare a person to person. As long as we do this, a lot of the things we wish to be avoided, are actually going to be avoided. People are not going to suffer any psychological dilemma, related to the above subject. How do we know it the people can be tolerant enough to each other? How do we know if the people can respect each other? How can we more help each other? To be more open to each other and honest? Even the 2 totally opposite people can tolerate each other if they are really willing to do so and know the reasons are big enough for this! I have learnt this on my own with my own mistakes and faults. I even thought I could make everything on my own, without anybody helping me, and yes, I had made a huge, an enourmous mistake about this, being a lonely camper. Now days, I feel and I know and I understand the importance of being able to open up to somebody we trust. If you are truly lucky enough to have such a person close to you, I argue you to never let him or her go. It is a true gift that should never ever be taken for granted! Appreciate the person for who and what he or she is. Not to try to change her or him for the sake of yourself, yet always be ready to be there for them, to help them, to be willing to make them better for the sake of everyone involved. Thank you and thank you for reading. I shall be back again here soon!

Friday, 25 March 2016

A very big time!

A very big time!

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
~ Pablo Picasso

You can do anything you like and fancy and anything really your mind can think of and have a very big time! What does resonate with you? How do you see your future? Who would you like to spend this and that time with, and why is this so? What would you love to be your very work of art? When would be the best time to celebrate, a very big time, that is, indeed! Good stuff there is. Looking back at your life, are you able to recall any moments, the big times when you just knew things had begun rolling? The moments when your heart was beating with love, when your dreams had come true, when you had finally met up with your favourite person, you had heard your favourite tune, you had read your favourite poem or an article, you had touched the person you had always wanted to touch, but not for real and in a real time! Those are moments that give us nice feelings, that is for sure! If we, however, turn the page, and look at the world right now at the moment, we may be very surprised, or not, as for where is this world of ours seem to be going to? If you hear that a friend has passed away, that somebody is fighting a mental illness, when a small child is going to be looked after her parents for the rest of her life due to her physical state! Where, then, you go and recharge your batteries so you can successfully cope on with this all? Who do you talk to and who do you feel safe with? Who will understand? Who is genuine by words and by actions, as well? How to be stronger for anything that comes your way in order to flow through life with the glee? How to restore anything that needs to be restored? The idea of perfection is perfectly overrated! Nothing is ever perfect and should not even be!! The main point and a reason in my humble opinion is in enjoying the journey, the ride, if you will, while appreciating everything in between – the people, the places, the food, the drink, the music, the books, the art, the ideas, the opinions of others, their views. Not to be stuck in one place or the other, not waiting for something mysterious to happen to us, not waiting for the end to finish this all up! But, yet, to grab the hand of the person who is there for us, who knows what she means and she means what she wants, the one who has touched your soul and your body, the one who can speak up, the one who is open, no matter what! That is the meaning of everything: the meaning to contribute, the meaning to collaborate, the meaning to love, the meaning to forgive, the meaning to teach and to learn, the meaning to have and to be passionate about something and about somebody, the meaning to create an art of any form, the meaning to be able to laugh at ourselves, the meaning to have an ability to stop and smell the roses, the meaning of giving and receiving, the meaning you give something your very own meaning while having a big time doing so! Good night, thank you as always and be back again! Thank you!!

authentic & vulnerable

authentic & vulnerable

I very like this subject in itself. Being authentic and vulnerable. Being humble, honest, and raw. When feelings you have inside of you toward somebody and your mouth can tell the feelings and emotions in a way that opens the door to both of you! When you can openly say what you feel to the person who means a world to you. When you are broken open and all that is left in you is the pure essence of your being, the raw part that is nothing but love, your soul, your friend, your lover, your soulmate. When the energy between you two is just nothing but lovely, and beautiful, and electric, and amazing! The music and the poetry that both are only an honest feedback on the side of the artist, either a musician or a poet! Take a look at the first poem or a musical note and all you can see there are emotions that have to be spoken out loud in open for everybody to hear and see! Have you recall, or do you remember any moment when you have thought that you may have touched a rock bottom and all that was left for you to do was to speak, was to write, was to produce anything that would stay there forever! This could take any form, for that matter, that is best suited to your personality. And when this ability of being human, make mistakes, being vulnerable in the most beautiful way, being raw, being authentic and being yourself at all times, this can attract the people who are the same, who feel the same, you adore you for just the way you are, the ones you should be surrounded by, the people who mean well and are on the same wavelength and on the same page as you are. When this connection happens, all good things can come your way only, and absolutely! And what about talking about the feelings right afterwards, we can feel the weight of it lifts us up and we can free the total and the absolute freedom that definitely comes with this! I have been in this boat many, many times and I am sure you have been in this boat, too! And what a moment when you finally face your favourite person and the things get stirred up and you both totally open up to each other! How important can this really get? When you wish you had a chance to speak, you are being heard, you said everything that you wished to, when things are working out very well and you are on the same page! And I know you like this, too! I wish this so much for both of us! It will definitely make us come closer to one another and this is the main point about this all. Being vulnerable and authentic in so many ways can teach us many lessons, we are being uniquely human, it makes us even stronger than we are and our soul sings the sweet song of their own. This is one of the reasons why we are here, this is our purpose, this is our purpose! Especially, when we hear each other's voice, the vibration of it, the sound of it, the melody of it! The connection becomes even more stronger! I am still the work of art, I am still the work of progress, and I still do strive to be humble, and honest, and vulnerable, and authentic, and open to myself, to you, to people around me. Thank you, and thank you once more! I will be back soon.

When our mind is quiet, our soul can speak

When our mind is quiet, our soul can speak

There is so much truth to that!

When we are so busy running around doing things that we think and feel that they are important, when we are working so hard and for such long hours, when we answer emails we seem to find so significant in and for our lives! When we are running errands here and there, when we would love to double our presence just in order to do more and more work! When, then, is the time to quiet our mind, to sit down, to walk and smell the roses, to taste, really taste our food and to really taste our drinks, really breathe deeply, really enjoy swimming, really count the stars, really be there and present for others, really love and enjoy and taste the love, really spend time with children, really play and laugh and run and jump and jog, and listen, really listen to people around you telling you something, not to look for how to reply, but listen to read between the lines. And then really enjoy and listen to music, the tunes, the songs, the vibes, the beats! Really be there this very minute, not think of the past and not think about the future, really be there this minute, those 60 seconds. When was the last time you have done such a thing, when you have done this very thing, when you have been really there and present for the moment that was in it? What did you do, with whom did you spend this time with? What music did you listen to? What food did you eat, if any? What drink did you drink, if any? What were you talking about, what was the subject? Were you happy, or were you sad? What were you thinking about, if you were thinking of something at all, I would believe so! We are having so many thoughts during the day, sadly, I am afraid, for the most part, they have been negative ones! But, what is there that we can do about this? We can fight, we can change this situation, because, yes, we can! Who can we ask for help? Who can go on and share in the journey with us? Who is there that you believe in? What is there that you believe in? When you have so many questions running through your head and you so desperately are seeking for the answers, what would be the best way to go about this? To sit quietly by the river stream, and go over your questions, or do you already feel in your soul, what the answer could be? Is there anything that you are afraid of and scared of, what is this and why is it the way it is? I recall very well our chatting about why you want to quiet your mind. Perhaps, take a meditation class, even yoga, if that does for you! When we are still, our mind can do wonders, can teach us things that only our soul can speak about. It may have answers to your most profound questions. It may reveal your inner secrets, only for you and remind you of the deep meaning of your life here! Yes, it can really do such miracles. Give it a try and see it for yourself! What is your should hiding and what has it been trying to tell you? It is said that if we cannot find a break of 10 minutes for ourselves, we should make sure it has been doubled! Yes, that is indeed so! Thank you for your time today and try this for yourself! :-)

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Being an Empath (& empathy)

Being an Empath
(& empathy)

This topic is so important and so significant that here we go again just to make sure this message really does get to go around this place and space! Who is an empath out there? How many hands are going to be raised, what would you think? Empaths feel deeply, very deeply, indeed! As they said it could be both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply, with all of your body, mind and soul and heart and beats. How would you use this very profound ability to your advantage and to the advantages of others? What if all of us could feel so deeply and so strongly? I remember you! The times when you can get so passionate about something, about music, about me as a person-woman, about our conversations, when a little bit of jealousy is there, when you can even fight for what you want, and fight for your rights! Empaths can feel with all their bodies that it could feel you are shaking, your energy is flowing into every bits and parts of your bodies! It should be talked about this in many ways, when empaths are in their introverted mood and they try to isolate themselves in order to protect their privacy, in order to recharge their batteries again, in order to learn by experiences, in order to create and grow in many ways, in order to absorb their surroundings and their environment with all their senses! Yes, if you do not think you belong to this group, I would just only wish for you to at least have a day of an empath and see for yourself, may you have, soon, that is! It might look and feel good to you to be feeling all around you on such a deep level, or you might also like to stay just the way you are! And yes, again, everything burns so deeply into an empath's skin, it can leave marks, that can be visible or even invisible! Yes, that is the world of a person who was born with a gift of feeling people, places, things on a level when perhaps only poets and musicians know about, write about, sing about, produce about! An accompanying empathy surely must be also spoken about within this article! Being able to forget and forgive either yourself or the other person is also a gift and not everybody possess it, unfortunately, I am afraid. Sad, I would like to do this a justice, I feel again my need to do so raises up, again! When being raw, open and honest is just the right thing to do! And now onto how to help us, empaths, from totally burning out while we are at our very best of feeling everything with everyone and everywhere around us, behind us, in front of us, next to us? I want to touch a base with you, and my body and my intuition is pulling me both forward and backward. Shall I go ahead and do it, and if you, what to write or say? And if not, tomorrow must and will be the day! When our mind is quiet our soul can speak, can you hear it? I really do hope so, as I will be more talking about this the next time. The next time that will reveal more and more about what we hold deep inside of us and what we cherish the most and who we love the most! As always, thank you for your time and for reading this all! Thank you.



Who is Empath?

Empath is the person who feels the feelings and emotions of the other person, even though empath is not going through the similar feelings or emotions of this person. I am an empath. I have been an empath for a long time now. I am not quite sure whether I was born with this or not, but truth is I have a high level of deep feeling for the vibes one person is feeling and experiencing. Especially, the one, he, the person who is very close to me and I hold feelings for! I have known this person for almost 3,5 years and I can sense when he is not very well. The actions he has been doing, the thoughts he has been going through and the emotions he must be experiencing. I am not saying I know what it is that is on his mind, sometimes I can feel this or at least think I can, but not every time! My intuition can also help me in this one! On the other hand, I can literally put myself in his shoes and feel all this dark energy and vibes that may be in him, too! And that hurts for so many reasons! I want to help him, perhaps, show him, not to feel the way he feels if he does not like this. To give him my gentle touch, a kiss on his lips, a gentle stroke, a hug, a snuggle and a cuddle wherever and whenever I can. The empath is capable of feeling feelings of others on such a deep and strong level that it can also be for an empath very energy draining! How to make sure this is not going to happen? Seeing the pictures of anybody or animals or anyone who is hurting is something that I cannot bare! I so want to help, even if just by my little token of something! Everything I do is my little bit of me providing to and for the world! Should we need more of those empathetic people on our earth? How to use this ability for being more, for having more, for giving more, for loving more, for receiving more, for contributing more, for collaborating more, for anything more! Should we just go with the flow, not wait for too long, not to push way too hard, just to stay and be in a flow of all the things that then connect the little ones together to make the whole picture whole again, and the puzzle is done, for good! How people make the best of everything that they have got? All the lessons and experiences, all the characteristic traits, all the troubled sleeps, all the paths they have been on and walked on, all the music they have heard, all the books they have read so far, all the people they have met, all the setbacks, all the truths they have heard and all the lies they have been told to, all the foods they have seen and eaten and the same is with all the drinks! All the people that they care about and all the positions they have been in as a friend, a lover, a teacher, a student, anything and anybody! Where to draw from for an inspiration? How to decide on if and when to contact the person they would love to be with right now, at the moment. Empath can ask questions that others may or may not understand, yet to the empath that is the way they think, feel and live, breathe, speak, sleep, eat, feel love, give and receive love! Being able to put yourself in a shoes of others is a gift that must be truly appreciated on every level. And I thank you! 

House of Cards

House of Cards

What game are we playing, if any? What cards do we have in our hands? What sort of house are we going to build? When and how are we going to go about it and to start? Are you going to play alone or are there any player to enjoy your company? How strong is this house going to be? What is the base going to be made of? And last, but not least, what sort of material are you going to use for all this hard house work? What about the wind can come and blow your house all down and away from your eyes? Life can obviously give us all sorts of and all kinds and all types of cards. The question here is how we are going to handle them, how we are going to play with them and what are we going to make from all this! I have some cards handed out to me and you have got some cards handed out to you. Can we share them, do we even want them to share? Every single person on this earth has 24 hours, in a day. What are we going to do with them? Who are we going to be, how are we going to behave, who are we going to talk to today, what sorts of things are we going to say, what sorts of things are we going to buy, what are we going to eat, how are we going to make the best of our work day, who are we going to touch with our hands and with our words, how are we going to feel today, there are so many things we can or we cannot do! I want you to see my cards and I want to see yours. I want to build a house with you that is strong, nice and family oriented. A happy one, indeed! Really, the one where you would have your own space, your time for doing all the things that you enjoy and I will have my own space, too. The times when we argue and then make up, the smiling moments, the children's voices, and everything that is going to be present in this house of ours! The one that we are going to design according to our own plans and dreams! Every room in this house, this secret place of ours. In every room in this house we are going to be totally happy and satisfied! The walls are going to last ages, the warmth of the rooms, the sunshine, the beautiful and lovely smell, all this is going to be filled in every room! Have you ever lived in such a house? Would you like to? Something that you can and will call you very own? Not any house for renting! You are going to be the owner of this stunning beauty, in every way possible! Where would you like to keep your music gear? Where are we going to sleep? What are we going to put on our walls? Having something like a house is, a home, is something that must be experienced on our own, the feelings and the emotions are so strong, everything seems to be falling into a place! Ah, what a groovy place to be in and to live in! I am ready to build, to build things with you! The cards, all the colours are going to put the touch to the whole thing, to make sure that everything sits where it should be! The first day to enter this space, this place where things could get started at the pace that works for both of us! The day where the key drops in our hands and we slowly turn it around it and step in on a journey that begins with a new chapter, with a new life, with a new meaning, with all that we are going to give to it! Thank you!

Tuesday, 22 March 2016



Is anyone there already? What is your reason? Who is this reason for you and why? Do you find it difficult and hard or simple and extremely easy? Have you got your very own recipe that is proven and has been working for you? Would your recommend and or suggest something to others? It is that not knowing that keeps us awake at night and sort of sleepy during the day. We cannot concentrate 100%, we keep making the same mistakes over and over again and things just do not seem right, at the moment? How to get out of this hole? How to help ourselves that we could live happy again and how to find ourselves in our best shape with the passion working for us in our heart and soul? Why, who is hurt keep on hurting others, how to resolve this once and for all? It breaks me apart, it makes me so weak, so out of my sorts. Confused, sad, teary, anything but not strong, happy, satisfied, confident about the world we live in! Please, make me stronger than I am now finding myself, make me stronger than all the problems and difficulties that come my way. In some way, it is really funny how the articles, and the story after story also shows the way our mind works, our inner word. Really interesting find, indeed. When you can fight with the lion, we can throw any advice here and there and with a full confidence, not afraid of any single thing. However, when it is us who need a helping hand, a guidance, a listening and understanding ear, we seem to be swimming in the ocean of sharks. Asking and begging for help, for any advice, for strength, for making us stronger for our enemy, for the ego, for anything that just happened to be standing in our own way. You, the person, who is the big question mark for me at this period of my life. You, the person in question, tell me that you hear my voice, that I have not made a mistake about you, that I was not mistaken for believing and trusting in you. That only the person who has completely given up, is really at lost! Show, that this has not been a waste of anyone's precious time, that love is far stronger that anything can happen to anyone, if only 2 people are willing to be totally open to each other, to the shared word, to the passion, to the creativity, to the children, to the joy, to the contribution, to the shared collaboration together. What I put to the table and what you put to the table, the mix, the delicious and extremely rare, unique mix of our nature, of our character, of our eyes, of our passion, of our creativity, of our past, of our education, of our love, of our experiences, of our smiles, of our story in bed, of our song and tunes we have exchanged together, of all the poetry that is out there only to be grasped by us! I could really go on, and you could really sit and think of more. Of the likes of the smell of the first book opening, of all that I like and all that you like. And still, still there would be more and for that I shall be forever grateful. Thank you!!

Sunday, 20 March 2016

The first day of spring (or of any season for that matter!)

The first day of spring
(or of any season for that matter!)

The first time. The first time of everything. It can be challenging, it can be interesting, it can be fun, it can be stressing, it can be depressing, it can be beautiful, it can be just the way you make it to be! If we did not go through the first time, we would not be able what it feels like to go on and have the second time, and then the third time and then the fourth time! From the first taking we have no idea at all where this is going to take us! Is this going to be our last journey through life, is this going to be the last person we are going to stay and be and hang out with for the rest of our life? Who knows? Who could know? What are you currently working on right now? When did it all started actually? Can you see the end of it all? Would you like to see the end or see the journey continuing and picking up all the juicy fruits along the way? Feel like being on the top of the mountain! How could I even put an end to it all when I do not even see the end! When just yesterday my fingers were running wild and fast on the keyboard, and I was on a roll! When the thought of you keeps me going and I wish so much the same feeling would have the same meaning and effect on you! When you push the button and you literally begin the rock rolling down! What is really worth your time? Who is really worth your time? Do you have an image in your head of what would it be like and what would it feel like to have your first time, of anything? When you have just certain time and nothing else, what would you do? Would you wait or would you go ahead? Would you fight or would you flight? Are you busy or are you able to find the time for what is important to you? Are you gone or are you still here? Have you been still waiting for somebody or for something to happen? Would you change anything about this or now? Do you have high standards? The spring is beautiful in so many ways, the little baby animals, the blossoming trees and flowers! The lovely smell in the air, the music sounding from all the corners of the world! I could sit and go on talking about this that I am sure you can all feel the same, the good vibes! What has the spring in store for us? Is it what we wish for, what we hope for, for we dream of and about? What would you be doing, what are your plans? Who would you like to share this with? Have you told them? Did you get in touch? Spring is the begging of everything, the start when we use the seeds and hope to pick them up in the autumn. Yet, the work needs and has to be done! We cannot expect food to have on the table if the work was not done. If we do not pay attention to people we care about and the ones around us, we can not feel the same if we are asking them for a help! Are you collaborating together and thinking of others as well? Do we have plans in our mind that keep the joy up to date? That keep everyone happy and cheerful and feeling loved and heard and appreciated and needed and important. Make sure the person who obviously care about you, knows you are a man who appreciates this and if not now, then, when?? Thank you for reading and I will write again very soon!

Saturday, 19 March 2016

STOP sign

STOP sign

Stop sign can have a lot of meanings, of course! One of them is the sign we can spot on the roads while driving, cycling, walking, etc. However, the sign I have in my mind here is the one you use for yourself in any moment you need to say a stop to something or to somebody in your life for a good cause! Also, I can see this stop sign as a turning point in some way that totally and absolutely changes the course of your life! When someone has passed away recently. This has happened to me, one musician has died and it felt like a total shock. A lovely, humble, friendly, talented human being leaves this place and go onto live somewhere else? I did not know this person in a real life very well, nevertheless, the news has totally made me stop what I was doing and re-think my life on every level. The person I care a lot about, his voice on the phone, my memories, my dreams, my thoughts, the things I would like to do with him and to him, to feel him again close to me and him to feel me again close to him, the feeling of being safe in each other's company and presence. The music, the room, the beautiful city, the food, the drinks. Then, my closest ones, the cat I so deeply missed and would never go a day without not thinking of her. I am cut open and bleeding. You are missed. And then back again to this guy I have been talking about so often. You are needed! Can you hear this, a woman wants to talk to you, woman wants to make a connection with you again, a woman wants to hear your voice again, a woman wants to make you happy, and a woman wants you to make her happy. A woman is asking for your feedback on this or on that. And that woman is me!! People can be afraid or scared for so many reasons, and perhaps the ones we would consider minor represent a huge problem in their own eyes! I am so weak, sometimes, and asking for help does not mean a person is a failure. To me, it means that they are actually strong enough to ask for help, to know they are surrounded by people who they can really rely on for a piece of advice. Are you low, are you so down? Have you given up on your life, on yourself, on the passion that you so love? Have you got not enough time for the music, for the time that is priceless once you know the real value of it? How often does one get so lucky to have a humble, patient, loving, genuine person close to them, who can open their eyes again so they can feel and think and smell everything all over again? Some can get lucky once in a lifetime. To some, however, this is never going to come! My voice and my hands can be shaking but til I am still here, I ought to fight for what I feel is important, needed, life-changing. When two people connect on a level only they both can understand, everyone can tell you their own version of the story, but theirs would be always unique, always prettier one, always more passionate, always with music they both love and enjoy and at their own time and at their own place. This is just the way it is, this is just how the world works and is turning around. I am hoping and never giving up on you because I feel with all my beating what is worth, and THIS must be fought over and over again! Hope you enjoy it, too. I do know you do! Thank you, and thinking of you!



Can you imagine the person that means a lot to you right in front of your face? Do imagine this right now! How do you picture this person? What colour would you give to him or her? What smell would you give to her or him? What attitude would you give to him or her? What sound would you give to him or to her? What poem would you give to him or to her? What song would you give to him or to her? What food would you give to her or to him? What drink would you give him or to her? If a fruit and a vegetable, which one would you give to him or to her? How would you describe such a person in a few words? How much do they mean to you and why? What would you do with them in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, if you could do anything at all? Where would you two guys go? What would you be interested in listening with this person? What is it about this person that you find so interesting? So charming, co cute, so lovely, so exciting? What about their physical appearance? What about their movement? How long do you think you could live apart from each other? Would you make sure they are happy? How would you like to help them, if anyhow? Would you want them to learn their own lessons? Would you be interested in learning about and knowing about their love language? Would you want to have something that you share together, something that you work on together, something that you contribute to each other? Some big thing that you collaborate together and has your and his/her name on it? To introduce it to the world? Yes, most definitely an introduction to the universe! How long have you been knowing each other? What have been the most loveliest moments and what have been the most hardest lessons that you have been through together? The feeling when you want this person to be happy. As simple as that! Really happy! I have been thinking about you, all the time when this gets in a way! There is so much genuine feelings and emotions here for you, you are never going to be alone, you are going to be appreciated as a man, with all that comes with you, this and that, as well! I should be strong for myself, for yourself, in necessary, and I shall be double strong with all my might! Please, may all of you who dream big happen to see the end of your waiting and may all your wild and big dreams come true! The birth mark under your eye, any little things that only you two know! The sparks that only you two can understand! I will touch you again, I will touch you with my fingers and I will do my best to try and touch your soul again! With my patience, with my kind and funny soul, with my cheerful and smart character! With cooking you a food that you like, with the drinks that we could again share together! With the poems, with the song and the tune that make you chill out, with all the things that work on you and done by me! People who know exactly what they want and go after it, they use the words in an effective way and are good at their hearts. They take care of people because they know nobody has it easy, every one is fighting their battles and doing their best. I will touch a base with you again!! Promise you, and thank you!!

Friday, 18 March 2016

The Gift of the Gab

The Gift of the Gab

Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other.
— Rainer Maria Rilke

This is it!

When we are able to tell and to say exactly what we want to and what we have been thinking about, in an easy way. In a way that everyone can understand. They say that writes write about things that are not easy to say in words, face by face. What is going on on our minds that is so important to us that we cannot stay silent.

In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.” 
~ Anne Frank

To put in words all the thoughts, the emotions, the feelings, the moments that shape us into who we are. All this can be put on a paper by someone who is true and a total, clear person who possesses the gift of a gab! How could I get better at making myself better understood to you? When we let things go with the flow, when we are open and not close, when we open our emotions to each other. When we just trust one another without questioning and without any doubts. That is what is beautiful and you know this and I know this! When there is no scarcity, when there is no fear, where there is only hope, feelings that are amazing. I want to make sure that each and every word that I speak you know what I mean by that. That is so important and so precious to me! No secrets, no hidden meanings. Just an amazing and effortless conversation, an easy-going chat with you. The person who can speak up openly about everything at any level with and to any person truly has a magnificent and a phenomenal gift. Everybody would be keen on reading what this person has written, and everybody would be keen on what this person has to say in order to get some information, to improve something that they feel needs improving or some working on. And this is what I promise to you. Just given a chance to prove my words to you! When there is a try and try again, this has, this must survive. After all the time we have known each other, after all this lessons and trials we have been through, we must make it happen! This is not the end of the world, this is just the beginning! The journey has just begun! And we are the main characters in it. This is as simple as it can possible get! This is gift I want to give to you! The talk that you enjoy and that we both share! I am asking for being true to yourself, open to our connection! Yes, this is the biggest true! Thank you for understanding, that means so much! 

And then there is a day after the day that was in it

And then there is a day after the day that was in it

How did it go? How do you feel? I hope you are happy! What was the best moment of it all? What are your thoughts right after the big day for you? What are your memories? People could have mixed feelings and emotions. About many things. Carry on, do not ever, ever, ever give up on us! Let me talk to you. Let me talk things through with you. There is a way, I know this and I can feel it. What are we doing right after a day after the day that was in it? Are we still celebrating? Are we sulking? Are we feeling say? Are we feeling happy? What are you doing? Sleeping? Working? Relaxing? Just chilling out? Do you do any cleaning? What are the plans? What are we doing tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? What is the battle of the ego? Could you win over yourself? Could you be stronger? Would you like that? Would you like to feel me again? Do you have still some energy left? Can you talk, breathe, go, can you carry on a conversation? Or are you just so very exhausted? So tired, so without energy? I would love to help you. Please, tell me how, how can I be of some help to you? I am ready and I am willing. Have the people learnt their lessons? The teacher wants to teach and the student want to learn, this is the way it is. One cannot help this but just go forward and do it. We are still work in progress, we still have a lot of work to be doing now and tomorrow. If only you would see it the same way. I am sorry I cannot do more at the moment, or can I? Do let me know. I really, really want to know! Do people know about their decisions or do they learn by mistakes? Do questions really solve all the problems? Do questions really help and find answers to the solutions we have been looking for? What to write about so one feels he or she has help the people around him or her, he or she has done his or her part in contributing to the society in a meaningful way. Things are not usually that hot as they are eaten! When you have a plan and something unexpected just gets in a way. So then what? Are you on your own? Are you able to talk to somebody and ask for help? Are you willing to admit, you are not an island, you do, really, need help, you do want a touch of him, a kiss of him, a hug of him, a snuggle of him. To dance with him in a passionate way, to ask the right questions and at the right time! I want to have a baby with you, I would love to have your baby! Yes, you asked and I answered! This must go viral, all the news and all the feelings. I have to speak up, and you must know about this, how could this go on unheard and unspoken and untold about? How could this possibly be happening? A couple of words, a couple of songs, a couple of poems that all lead to a point when we are at now, where we are now standing. To be honest and open and fragile and vulnerable, to be happy with and about yourself, to be so much in love together! When there is something or somebody who open your heart wide open, who open your soul wide open, who open your body wide open and last but not lease someone who open your eyes and ears wide open, so then hold on to this person and never let go!! Never!!!! Thank you, as always!!

Thursday, 17 March 2016

St. Patrick's Day (HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!)

St. Patrick's Day

May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!


I am hoping you wear something green today, or black for Guinness. I would really like to celebrate with you!

The passion is wonderful. Somehow he has taught me to let go when we were in bed. I was able to melt into his energy in a way I never had. And he was so uninhibited. It was a turn-on, and I felt genuinely wanted. I valued his passion – our passion that we shared. That is special.

The feeling when we share this day together, this day that I so like and so enjoy and the one that is one of my favourites. When all the city turns green and seeing all the happy and smiley people, everyone enjoying and having fun, eating and drinking and talking and smiling and chatting to people, perhaps even hugging and anything that we would like to be doing together, me and you, us, together! This festive day that is just meant to be enjoyed with every beat, with every heart and soul and every body, of you and me! Listening to our favourite music and telling jokes, have a chilled out day. When we are so enjoying each other company and could not get enough of it, at all! When this day stays in our souls forever. When we appreciate every bit of it, the culture, the people, all the good stuff, all the good vibes, all the good music & all the good poetry! When we hold hands and are all nice and cozy and snuggled up! When we feel the energy of this day flowing through our veins. When I see the sprinkle in your step and a star in your eye and you can see the same in mine! I can literally hear the Irish music, the dancing and the laugh of the surrounding people. May this day connects with you and me in a meaningful way, may you feel what I feel and when we feel the souls of each other. This is what matters most, this is what the life is about, this is why this world is spinning around. What is the sense of breathing, of seeing each other, feeling each other, touching each other, hugging and kissing each other, be ready for each other! Understand each other and listen to and for each other! Thank you, and thank you again and thank you once more!