Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Thirteen)

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Thirteen)

11/11/2013: Change brings opportunity.

12/11/2013: Make time, not excuses.

13/11/2013: Music=sound of the feelings.

14/11/2013: Be curious & not judgemental

15/11/2013: Choices+Chances=CHANGE

16/11/2013: People Helping People!!

17/11/2013: Live, Live your choice!

18/11/2013: Balance is key in life.

19/11/2013: Who is your hero/heroine??

20/11/2013: Own yourself first.

21/11/2013: Celebrate. A BIG TIME!!

22/11/2013: Learn more than you believe

23/11/2013: Give more than you receive.

24/11/2013: Be Selfish, Be Generous!!

25/11/2013: Own/Create your very Life!!

26/11/2013: Inner Change=Outer Result!

27/11/2013: Be Your Passion!! :-)

28/11/2013: How BAD do u really want it

29/11/2013: Want IT like never before!

30/11/2013: Don't apologize 4 who u r

1/12/2013: "Love created me like itself."

2/12/2013:Look 4 a sign of beauty/grace

3/12/2013: We are all in this together

4/12/2013: Boldness=genius/power/magic

5/12/2013: Read to lead. Learn to earn.

6/12/2013: In what area you can work on?

7/12/2013: They can = they think they can

8/12/2013: Crime & kindness=birth future

9/12/2013: Smtms the Crisis Is the Healing

10/12/2013: Be a Rebelle in this world:)

Thursday, 14 November 2013

How much time do we still have left?!?

How much time do we still have left?!?

How much time do you still have left?

How much time do I still have left?

No body is able to answer that very question.

No body knows the answer.

Is there a way to find out?

Is there a way to know the answer?

How would you go about solving it?

How would you go about finding it out?

We all have a certain amount of time here. What we do about that fact is totally and utterly up to us. How amazing is that? How cool is that? We have a choice. Yes, we really do have a choice.

What would you do if you knew you had a limited time?

What would you do if you knew you had an unlimited time?

Where would you go?

Who would you call upon?

What decisions would you go and make, if any?

Would you ask for a direction, for the directions?

THIS is definitely worth thinking about and considering all the options....

Thank you for taking the time to read! :-)

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Twelve)

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Twelve)

11/10/2013: By small thngs gr8 thngs pass

12/10/2013: Be gooder, do gooder!! :-)

13/10/2013: You are what you do. Period

14/10/2013: Thoughts create reality.

15/10/2013: Honor & Listen to your body

16/10/2013: Conviction=force multiplier

17/10/2013:There's a room At The Top

18/10/2013: Be grateful beyond measure.

19/10/2013: Breaking free is a choice.

20/10/2013: Courage is strength of heart.

21/10/2013: Practice what you post.

22/10/2013: Do good and feel good!!!

23/10/2013: What you want wants you...

24/10/2013: Let it be and allow it to come

25/10/2013: Don't react, but do act.

26/10/2013: Karma:action and reaction!

27/10/2013: Love with an open hand.

28/10/2013: EnJoy like a great pastry!! :)

29/10/2013: Pain is inevitable.

30/10/2013: Suffering is optional.

31/10/2013: Artist was first an amateur

1/11/2013: Conversation revealsApriority

2/11/2013: Love what you have. :-)

3/11/2013: Need what you want. :-)

4/11/2013: Accept what you receive. :-)

5/11/2013: Give what you can. :-)

6/11/2013: It goes around=comes around

7/11/2013: Inspire ppl with your actions!!

8/11/2013: “Be — don't try to become”

9/11/2013: What have you written lately?

10/11/2013: "Make good art!"

Thursday, 7 November 2013

I am always in a good mood!!!

I am always in a good mood!!!

Can you keep an eye on this?

Or something like that!

How does it get any better than this?

I have tears in my eyes while putting those words together.

You may ask…. Are these tears of joy, or tears of sadness, or tears of pure madness, or tears of gratefulness? Read on and you may find out (if you dare!)….

We should set an example for others to follow.

We cannot possibly give that which we do not possess ourselves.

We should be so damn happy about being waken up to every single each day!

Justice vs Injustice

We already possess everything we will ever need in order to achieve and be the person we are meant to become.

The more you are grateful and thankful for anything, the more things you will find to be appreciate about.

The wind knows me and it lures me, it tempts me

and what is next, the sun is asking me

the stars know my soul, my only deep soul

and they invite me by the question

when is the time for me to fly, to fly high up in the wide blue sky

it is meant to happen, it is meant to be

I do not intent to live like a prisoner

those who care about me will try to guess what is it that turns me on, what is it that ignites my passion, my fire

my soul wants more and even more

I am a Rebelle who is obsessed by one huge dream, I am hungry for, starving for, craving my time when I begin to shine

fear says to stay in comfort, not to dare to dream and to give up everything I ever wished for, ever hoped for, ever dreamt about, ever wanted, ever needed

no matter what, I still believe in my heart, in my soul, in all my dreams

I will magically fly everywhere as if without borders

and everything that is on my way I am going to meet half way there

I am provided with anything I could ever need

and the world brings me you and me to you!

Monday, 4 November 2013

Will you marry me? Can a woman ask a man to marry her?

Will you marry me?
Can a woman ask a man to marry her?

Will you marry me with all the flaws and all?

Will you marry me with the temper I possess?

Will you marry me with all my dreams and ambitions?

Will you still marry me with all my insecurities?

Will you marry me with all the troubles and challenges and worries?

I would never imagine myself being in love with someone who is already married.

I would never imagine myself being in love with someone who smokes.

I would never imagine myself being in love with someone who may be already dating somebody else.

I would never imagine myself being in love with someone who has a ginger kind of hair.

I would never imagine myself being in love with someone who may be taking drugs.

I would never imagine myself being in love with someone who is ..... .

And ah yes, I have imagined myself being in love with someone who is caring.

And I have imagined myself being in love with someone who is somewhat sensitive, too.

And I have also imagined myself at least zillion times being in love with someone who adores his family.

And I have imagined myself being in love with someone who has many friends around.

And I have imagined myself being in love with someone who has a steady job which he enjoys waking up to every single each day.

And to be honest, I wanted somebody who already possess a car.

And I also wanted somebody who is an owner of a cosy house.

Yet, all this and even more has happened to me and I could never be happier and more grateful and more appreciate of this very situation happening to me!!

My intention is not to postpone my happiness.

My desire is to enjoy my happiness right now at this very moment.

This article is not against nor for all or some of the above.

What is it that turns you on? Do you know what that is? Then I would strongly recommend you go for and after it!

Woman forgive but do not forget.

Men forger but do not forgive.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Cared for the person so much that he does make sure she gets along okay even without him being around!!

Cared for the person so much that he does make sure she gets along okay even without him being around!!

Once.. I have heard a story. And in my humble and honest way of interpreting it, it would probably sound something like this:

Two married people, a couple, a woman and a man, love deeply each other, till the end of their lives. Yes, till the death do us apart. They promised one another to be and to stay in love for the rest of their lives. Until one day.... when it may all of a sudden all start to collapse.... or not?

As you may or may not suggest, something is just about to going to happen.

Like it or not, one of the couple was just lying on his death bed, the man, the husband, to be exact.

As you may or may not to wish and hope for, the things are just going to about to change.

Things are being said in that very moment.

We may be saying how much and how much we cared for the other person, how much they mean to us, what the treasure they actually represent in our lives, etc.

However, this very man had decided to go about this very thing in his very own way.

And how, you ask?

Here it is then...

He said to her that he had never loved her. Not even close to loving. He said to her that he never even cared for her. He was sure enough she would survive without him. She would support herself, on her own, without him being by her side day in and day out, every single each day.

Would you agree with his reasoning?

Would you agree with his decision?

How would you yourself go about it?

Please, share with us.....

Thank you very much for taking the time to read!!!! :-)

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.

Do you like to eat?

Do you like to eat a lot?

Do you like to eat healthily?

Do you prefer eating alone?

Do you prefer eating in a company of your family?

Do you prefer eating in a company of a loved one?

What would be your favourite drink?

What would be your favourite food?

What would be your favourite dessert?

Do you enjoy cooking in general?

Do you enjoy cooking for yourself?

Do you enjoy cooking for somebody else?

How about cleaning up after yourself?

How about cleaning up after your family?

How about cleaning up after your friend?

If you are a keen cook and enjoy eating and do not mind preparing food and then cleaning up right afterwards, you will agree with me that there is going to be a mess from time to time, at least, some.

Has it always been this way?

Do we always have to make a little mess in order to have a cake?

Or is there a way to have a cake and eat it, too?

Can we go without making any mess, at all?

What would be your very own experience?

I am so curious to know.

Please, let me know.

Thank you!


Friday, 11 October 2013

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Eleven)

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Eleven)

11/9/2013: Find a way or make one!!!

12/9/2013: Live like you already have it.

13/9/2013: It's coming. A done deal! :-)

14/9/2013: Surprise yourself daily!!

15/9/2013: UnderPromise & OverDeliver

16/9/2013: Do what works and matters!!

17/9/2013: Focus determines a direction

18/9/2013: What is your outcome? (-:

19/9/2013: Questions = controlling force!

20/9/2013: How can you make it better??

21/9/2013: What you focus on=>you feel

22/9/2013: Your Life Is Your Message.

23/9/2013: Do what u love&leave the rest

24/9/2013: Live Daily, not just 4 a wknd

25/9/2013: Be here NOW! Be HERE now!

26/9/2013: How can you make it better??

27/9/2013: Stay strong. Get stronger :-)

28/9/2013: Life begins where fear ends.

29/9/2013: "See no one as a body."

30/9/2013: You are what you love.

1/10/2013: Live NOW! Do NOW!!! (-:

2/10/2013: Imagine with all your mind.

3/10/2013: Believe with all your heart.

4/10/2013: Achieve with all your might.

5/10/2013: How r u choosing to view it??

6/10/2013: Food is the fuel for the body!

7/10/2013: Learning stimulates the mind.

8/10/2013: "Hard is not hopeless."

9/10/2013: Heal yourself before others.

10/10/2013: H.O.P.E.:Hold On,Pain Ends