Thursday, 7 November 2013

I am always in a good mood!!!

I am always in a good mood!!!

Can you keep an eye on this?

Or something like that!

How does it get any better than this?

I have tears in my eyes while putting those words together.

You may ask…. Are these tears of joy, or tears of sadness, or tears of pure madness, or tears of gratefulness? Read on and you may find out (if you dare!)….

We should set an example for others to follow.

We cannot possibly give that which we do not possess ourselves.

We should be so damn happy about being waken up to every single each day!

Justice vs Injustice

We already possess everything we will ever need in order to achieve and be the person we are meant to become.

The more you are grateful and thankful for anything, the more things you will find to be appreciate about.

The wind knows me and it lures me, it tempts me

and what is next, the sun is asking me

the stars know my soul, my only deep soul

and they invite me by the question

when is the time for me to fly, to fly high up in the wide blue sky

it is meant to happen, it is meant to be

I do not intent to live like a prisoner

those who care about me will try to guess what is it that turns me on, what is it that ignites my passion, my fire

my soul wants more and even more

I am a Rebelle who is obsessed by one huge dream, I am hungry for, starving for, craving my time when I begin to shine

fear says to stay in comfort, not to dare to dream and to give up everything I ever wished for, ever hoped for, ever dreamt about, ever wanted, ever needed

no matter what, I still believe in my heart, in my soul, in all my dreams

I will magically fly everywhere as if without borders

and everything that is on my way I am going to meet half way there

I am provided with anything I could ever need

and the world brings me you and me to you!

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