Saturday, 10 August 2013

People go & People stay

People go & People stay

The person is question is desperate to talk to me! ;-)

Okay, back to a subject discussed today.


People who go.

People who come.

People who leave.

People who stay.

People who remain.

As we already know people are everywhere.

How many people have already come into your life, have crossed your path, have influenced your life in profound way, have invested themselves in your life’s journey in one way or the other, have taught you a lesson or two lessons for that matter, how many of them you have loved and adored and cherished and appreciated and was grateful for having them in your life and then you perhaps left them or they had left you or somebody was cheating on somebody?

Now, let us consider how many people have left you totally unexpectedly? How many of them you counted on for being and staying there? Did you get too, way too attached to them? Did you rely on them every time, any time? Were you in some way addicted to them? Did your life totally and absolutely and utterly depend on them? Were they your ‘everything’ in your life, your safe haven? Did they belong to your heart as well as your soul as well as your mind as well as your body? Did they represent the other half of being you? Did they become your teacher, your guardian angel, your soul mate, your soul partner, your soul lover, your soul love, your soul ‘everything’?  

Now, how about the people still and currently living and being in your life? Who are they? How often do you get to see them? How long have you known them for? Do they represent a huge part of your life? Do you love them? Do you appreciate them? Do you adore them? Do you cherish them? Are you being forever grateful for having these people in your life? Do you laugh with them often? Where have you been meeting and seeing each other? Are you having dinner parties? Do you smile at one another when you finally get together? Do you guys kiss? Do you hug? Do you say sweet nothings that only you understand? Do you embrace and celebrate your differences? Do you buy each other presents/gifts? Do you receive anything from them in return? Do you help one another? If so, in what ways, how many ways can you think of helping them? Do you help by babysitting and watching over and looking after and taking care of their children, or yours if you have any? Are you on different path? Did they move on? Did you move on with your life? Do you attend each other’s birthday parties? Do you go to see movies? Do you visit theatres? Do you cook for each other? Do you go shopping for food and clothes together when you both have some spare minutes? Do you share secrets together? Do you share meals together? Do you call, do you email, do you text, do you chat, do you skype with each other? Do you send and post one another postcards and letters when away on holidays? Do you cry over each other circumstances? Are you one another’s shoulder to cry on? How often do you connect on a profound level? Do you pin in dates if and when you all meet again together? Do you play games outside with each other? Have you ever played board games together?

Yes, obviously, some people who come into our life stay there for a season, some stay for a lesson and some of them stay for a lifetime.

Who do you choose to stay and to keep and to remain for a lifetime?

Who would you pick?

Who would you rather avoid?

What role and play do you represent in this particular relationship circle?

How many real friends do you have?

Are you being a real friend to somebody?

Are you being a soul mate / soul partner to somebody?

Are you teaching somebody a valuable lesson or two?

How have you been making friends?

Do you find it easy to meet and to find and to make friends with like-minded, interesting and fun people like you?

Where would you go and what would you say, how would you start, how would you approach them?

How long have you been looking for, searching for some of them?

Do you have a pen pal?

What would be the common interests and hobbies that you could share together?

Do you prefer real life to online cyber space?

Can you be real open and honest and vulnerable about yourself with them?

What sort of people have you been surrounding yourself with?

Do you benefit from each other?

Do you really, really, really like one another?

Whatever you do, wherever you go, whoever you meet, whenever you are doing what you are doing, there are people and are going to be. The relationships are representing thus an incredible part of your life. We are built and shaped based on the relationships we hold and keep and benefit from and learn from and cherished and surround ourselves with. We need one another to grow and evolve into better human beings and there is no better way of doing it rather than through relationship, through the people we share our life with, we share all our ups and downs with, the cry and laugh together, through thick and thin, and all that in between.

Relationship is the way how we relate to each other. Yes, of course, we can experience everything on our own, however, by experiencing it with another human being who is on the same wavelength as ourselves are, we simply and absolutely magnify the human experience of this very special and particular activity. We would have so much to talk about right after the happening, we would have the same memories, the same of similar feelings, the same joys, smiles, laughs or cries, or emotions or even sorrows.

(1005 words)

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